Tuesday, December 30, 2008



I agree completely with this post by Cenk Uygur of the radio show The Young Turks. The Bush Administration has screwed up a lot of things with its laziness and inability to see both sides of any situation.



Just great. This is what things have come to. Israel is attacking ships trying to save the Palestinians from starvation. I wonder if the British will do anything about the intentional ramming of a ship flying the flag of a British territory, I wouldn't hold my breath. Anyone want to guess what would happen if an Iranian boat intentionally rammed a British flagged ship?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008



"I said I have a problem with saying 'Happy Holidays,'" Thomas told FOXNews.com. "The world ... groups Christmas with other holidays, and that's offensive to me as a Christian."

How dare the company not insult its non-Christian customers. Their job is to make their customers happy plain and simple, they can't accommodate every angry bigot on their staff.

She was probably fired for being a jerk to her co-workers. People like this who made unreasonable demands and then complain tend to be horrible co-workers. I'm sure her insubordination was just the icing on the cake.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

(Un)Intended Consequences...


What do you expect? The people of California have made it clear that they consider homosexuals to be less than human. They voted by a healthy margin to remove the civil rights of gays and lesbians. This sort of behavior was bound to happen.

Preparing for the Transition...


Very suspicious. How convenient that this guy had the goods on Bush/Cheney and now he's dead.

Double Standard...


It's stunning the double standard that's applied to Israel by our country. A private citizen selling weapons to a foreign government without government permission would be considered treason. This isn't the only case either. Israel sank one of our ships for no reason during one of their wars against their neighbors and we didn't do anything to them. Could you imagine what would happen if a country like Egypt or Spain sank one of our ships on purpose?

This man deserved the punishment he received. He died in prison right where he belonged. Pardoning him, even posthumously, is an extreme insult to all the innocents who were killed with his planes.

Monday, December 22, 2008



What an idiot. Is it any wonder most Catholics don't even listen to this guy?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Too Late...


It would have been great if these people had come to this conclusion BEFORE the damn election. We're stuck with this guy for 5 more years because these idiots took too long to realize what we figured out years ago.

Disappointing Everyone...


This guy can't please anybody. Tell me again why Obama chose him? The good guys hate him because he's a hateful jerk and the bad guys hate him because he hides his hateful nature behind a nice guy disguise.

Judgmental pricks...


Considering what the church leadership is doing, I would imagine the congregation is a bunch of judgmental bastards anyway. Who cares what they think. She should just ignore them. As for her kids, I'm sure they know she's a good person. Maybe this will be the thing that finally gets her kids to leave this stupid church.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Equal Treatment...


Religion should not trump the law. It's one thing for them to eschew technology. It's an entirely other thing for them to build dangerous housing under the cover of religion. There is no reason they shouldn't have to comply with the same building codes everyone else does. What happens when one of their houses falls down and someone dies? Where does it stop with all this? Every religion seems to want to ignore any law they happen to disagree with. We can't run a country when people don't want to follow the rules.



Forgetting for a second that this guy retired and probably will not be willing to come back, this is a horrible idea on its face. Why should the Democrats allow a Republican to take Obama's seat, giving the Republicans one more vote in the Senate and one more vote for any partisan filibuster? I don't know what this guy is smoking, but I'm sure it's not legal.

Judging by his record, it seems he's one of those self-righteous conservatives that thinks the government should operate on a shoestring budget. He will be a vote against every bill to resolve this economic crisis. Beyond that, he would vote against many components of Obama's legislation including healthcare. Why would the Democrats do that for themselves? It would be like the Republicans appointing Dennis Kucinich to the Senate.

Sure they did. Far more likely is that he was being a colossal jerk and got offended when someone complained. I do question however why an ultra conservative who thinks people on welfare are lazy would choose social work as a career. It does tend to be a career path chosen by liberals far more than conservatives since liberals are compassionate and conservatives tend to blame people for their problems in life.

The Religious Right Strikes Again...


That's the Bush Administration for you. They never miss a chance to allow religion unfair influence on the government. Who gets to determine what is appropriate for children? If they block porn will they block internet gambling? How about websites on controversial topics like abortion? They shouldn't create a system where certain people are made to pay for something that is otherwise free just because they want to engage in legal activity. The people behind these sorts of initiatives seem to think children are the only people worthy of protection but there are those of us out there who don't want to be held to the same standard as a 10 year old.

Friday, December 05, 2008



These people are thugs plain and simple. They don't want to give an inch to the Palestinians so they can also have a home. Israel spends so much time walling off and punishing Palestinians but these are the people who keep killing Israeli leaders.

Get Rid of Her...


If she doesn't want to leave on her own Obama should fire her. She may want to stay on in an Obama Administration, no doubt to cause trouble, but the last thing Obama needs is a bunch of Rove disciples ruining his Justice Dept.



So not only are they a horrible band but they're also stealing from other bands?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This is really sad. Unfortunately, terrorism seems a daily concern in India. Hindus killing Muslims and Muslims killing Hindus. I guess our country doesn't care until they start trying to kill our people.

Monday, November 24, 2008



I guess he got sick of being Hannity's punching bag.

to develop new and challenging ways to contribute to the growth of the network.

That's cute. Colmes thinks they're going to give him his own show. He was just there to make Hannity look smart.

I’m proud that both Sean (Hannity) and I remained unharmed after sitting side by side, night after night for so many years.”

Oh please, there was no chance of him doing anything to Hannity. He had to ask Hannity's permission to speak.

Jonathan Singer at MyDD is floating Sam Seder as a potential replacement. TVNewser is also conducting a poll of possibilities.

They'll never allow Seder to be on the show. Seder is actually a liberal commentator, as opposed to a stand-up comedian who happens to be a liberal, and would eat Hannity alive.



Yeah, let me know how that turns out. Israel is going to end up doing whatever they want to do. They don't care about world peace and, as much as we finance their military adventurism, they don't care what we think either.

Too Little, Too Late...


It took them long enough. Leave it to the Vatican to be decades behind the times.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Stupid Religious People...


He should give the money to a secular charity that doesn't reject donors based on arbitrary factors. If this is what they do to people who want to give money, imagine the harassment they dole out to those they "help".

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Talking to Yourself...


Get back to me when you manage to get at least half of your own followers to listen to what you're saying. Until that point, you're just talking to yourself and nobody is taking you seriously.

Friday, November 14, 2008



Brought to you by the hyper-corrupt Republican Party and Bush Administration.

Thursday, November 13, 2008



What does Israel think it's accomplishing by punishing all Palestinians for the actions of a small minority? All they're doing is killing people and creating further animosity in the occupied territories.

Stupid Christians and their Stupid Hate...


Prop 8 was a horrible decision. Not just for gays but for the entire state of California and for the whole country. At some point this has to stop. I just hope that when this country finally comes to its senses, it's not too late.

World Leadership...


Such lovely talk for a world leader. He does sound like Dubya.

We can't say anything though, we actually hanged Saddam Hussein.



Oh please, Islam isn't the only religion that forbids usury. Companies providing a service that a large segment of the population may be interested in does not equal stoning people for adultery. I swear there are a lot of people in this country who want to make it impossible for Muslims to live in peace.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008



How is this all of a sudden an issue? The Democrats have been strongly in favor of women's rights for decades. Are they sore that most of their members completely ignored them and voted for the right guy against their clear orders?



Please God no!!!

I know this was just Palin being Palin and trying to pretend she's still relevant. I know she was just talking completely out of turn about something nobody's ever even approached her about. But even the thought of this makes my skin crawl. She should go back to Alaska and never leave again!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wishful Thinking...


Editor's Note: Mark Sanford, a Republican, is governor of South Carolina.

This is a disclaimer so you're not tempted to believe a word he says.

Some on the left will say our electoral losses are a repudiation of our principles of lower taxes, smaller government and individual liberty. But Tuesday was not in fact a rejection of those principles -- it was a rejection of Republicans' failure to live up to those principles.

Well, that's funny, because the Republicans spent 2 years painting Barack Obama as a tax and spend ultra liberal in the media. They spared no expense to convince people that Obama would raise taxes, increase the size of government and take away peoples' guns. Meanwhile, they ran John McCain as an anti-tax crusader who would freeze all government programs, eliminate Medicare and Social Security and allow toddlers to buy automatic assault rifles previously restricted to law enforcement and the military. Despite all this, the American people voted for Barack. I don't think they were confused on who was the liberal and who was the ultra-conservative candidate.

Republicans have campaigned on the conservative themes of lower taxes, less government and more freedom -- they just haven't governed that way. America didn't turn away from conservatism, they turned away from many who faked it.

That's odd since they elected the candidate who was almost universally labeled by the media as the "most liberal Presidential candidate in history". It seems the American people wanted a liberal.

Mark keeps mentioning "freedom" and "individual liberty". I guess that only matters if you're not gay or a woman and you don't want to smoke pot to alleviate a medical condition.

I really hope the Republicans keep running as unabashed conservatives. Contrary to what Mark says, the American people are quite aware of the conservative identity of the GOP. Whether they like it or not, Americans quite enjoy their Social Security, their social programs and their rights to sleep with whoever they want. The American people saw John McCain running to the right of George W. Bush and they wanted nothing to do with it.

Friday, November 07, 2008



Joe Lieberman really lives in his own little world, doesn't he? Who cares what he wants? He's lucky they haven't already kicked him out of the caucus. There is no way in hell he deserves to retain his chairmanship. He should have lost it the second he left the Party. Now that he's further insulted the Democratic Party by endorsing McCain and other down ticket Republicans he is faced with two choices. He can remain in the majority party and receive another committee assignment or he can join the minority and take whatever they give him. I can guarantee he won't get anything better from them. Bottom line, if he doesn't like the overly generous offer they're giving him he's free to leave. They don't need him. But he knows he can't leave because he needs the Dems more than they need him, and that eats him up inside because he considers himself the most important person in the world.

Stupid Bayh...


I'm shocked. Bayh is just as much of a problem as Lieberman is. Both want to turn the Democratic Party into Republican light. I'm so glad Obama didn't make the mistake of naming him VP. Can you imagine if he were Vice President-elect saying stupid shit like this?

Republican Lies...


Where I come from this wouldn't be considered a "mixed reaction". It would be considered sour grapes from Obama's political enemies. Obama could have picked Joshua Bolten and the Republicans would have found a reason to bitch about it. I don't see any Democrats criticizing the choice. There are even some Republicans who say it's a great choice. The Republicans are mad because he's a great choice, not because he's a bad choice. They want a pushover who they can beat into submission. The last thing they want is someone who has huge amounts of experience and a reputation as a brutal enforcer. That's exactly what Obama needs. The fact that they're so vocal about it proves why he's such a good choice, they're literally pissing their pants at the idea of having to deal with him. I think that's a great endorsement indeed.



This would be the ultimate betrayal. Especially when the Democrats allowed Lieberman to retain his seniority and committee chairmanships despite his leaving the party and endorsing the Republican Party's candidates. I don't know why the Republicans would want him though. It's one thing to have him on your side but allowing him into their caucus would be a mistake. Just like a cheating husband, if he cheated on the Dems he'll do the same thing to the Reps as soon as it behooves him.

Thursday, November 06, 2008



Evidently Israel doesn't understand irony. Either that or they don't have any respect at all for the Muslim citizens of their country...yeah...that might be it.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008



I don't think anyone will be losing any sleep based on the opinion of Carrie Underwood.

Monday, November 03, 2008



Only in Israel would the people make a hero of a guy who murdered a Prime Minister in cold blood. Even Americans who may have disliked Kennedy mourned his death. Even the most pro-Confederate town in the South doesn't have a statue of John Wilkes Booth in the middle of town.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Double Standard...


If you want a perfect example of the double standard, just look at the Fort Dix plot case. Those guys were no more well prepared, and stood no greater chance of accomplishing their goal, than the skinheads who plotted to kill Obama. The government is ignoring the threats from the skinheads while moving forward full speed with the Fort Dix case using testimony from a bought witness.

Saturday, November 01, 2008



This should be illegal. Using government information on an immigration case to boost your candidate's chances is immoral and certainly below what a President should be doing.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Republicans Don't Believe in Voting...


This isn't surprising. It's always been the position of the Republicans that that people voting is bad for them. They want to make sure as few people as possible vote so they have a chance of winning. I'm glad Crist stood up to his party, he seems a lot better than Jeb Bush. Jeb would have been the one fighting the early voting.



People who refuse to vaccinate their children are super crazy. This just proves it further. That they would kill a doctor, or even threaten it, just because that doctor is doing his job is absurd. I can understand the need to blame the condition on someone else is strong. The last thing these people want to admit is that they might have had something to do with their child's autism. Since they can't really explain it, and there's no clear reason why autism happens, they want to lash out and blame the doctor. That doesn't excuse death threats.

The People Who Hate America Vote...


Who cares? They're a small segment (Americans in Israel) of an already small segment (ex-patriots) of the American voting public. Not to mention the fact that they evidently love our country so much they've decided to leave it and move to another country. I don't see how you could extrapolate an idea about the voting patterns of Jews in swing states by looking at the votes of Jews living in Israel. For one thing, the ones who stayed behind have to actually live with the consequences of their vote while the ones in Israel don't. I guess when your only voting issue is really wanting the US to bomb Iran that makes the decision easy.



These people need to get their priorities straight. Stop wasting your time with that stupid book. Who is going to buy a handwritten book, presumably photocopied at the local Kinko's, where each line is written by a different person in a complete different handwriting. That's going to be a bitch to read.

War Criminal...


What is this war criminal doing writing articles about the Constitution? What does he know about the Constitution? He should be in prison, not writing lies for FoxNews.

Our rights in the Constitution are in danger already. I can only imagine what the Republicans would do if they got their hands on an additional list of rights. All of the things FDR proposed are important rights and should be written into law. They are unfortunately just as neglected as they were back then.

Ollie North should leave journalism and concentrate on trying to atone for the crimes he's committed against our country. I know he won't though. He still thinks he did nothing wrong selling arms to terrorists and giving money to our enemies.

Blowing Things Out of Proportion...


This is much ado about nothing. They can't fit every reporter on the plane and personally I'm glad they got rid of some of the dishonest, right-wing reporters instead of getting rid of a real reporter. The Washington Times and the NY Post are not real newspapers. They're propaganda papers for the Republican Party (and in the case of the Times, the Moonies.) They don't have a right to be on the plane.



Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse? Bill Clinton should be happy, evidently the Republicans have found a new target for their irrational hatred.

Thursday, October 30, 2008



I'm sure the government will ignore this in favor of harassing Muslims.

Obama's Commercial...


In case you didn't see it last night, here's Obama's 30 minute commercial.

Covering Up The Real Problem...


This is too little too late. I also can't stand how they constantly have to try to scapegoat homosexuals. Homosexuals are the least of their worries. It wasn't gay priests molesting little boys. They should concentrate on removing pedophiles and stop trying to hurt perfectly normal people who happen to like other guys.



Cherry Picking Polls...


So Fox News finally found a poll that shows the race narrowing and they're presenting it as definitive proof that McCain's going to win. Typical. It's only one poll. I'm pessimistic about Obama's chances but I doubt this one poll spells his doom.

Hateful Bastards...


I hope they fail again. These hateful bastards really piss me off...

Not A Good Idea...


I wonder how long it will take before someone bombs this?

Hiding the Truth...


Gee, you think they have something to hide?

They'll canonize Pius, despite what he did, because they don't care about the Jews.

Vatican spokesman Rev. Federico Lombardi said the requests to see the wartime archives were "understandable," but added it would take another six or seven years to catalog those 16 million documents.

Sure it will...

Some scholars who have examined Vatican archive documents say Pacelli was an indecisive diplomat as Nazism and Fascism took hold in parts of Western Europe.




Ha ha. They can't even get their puppet to show up when they want him to.



I'm shocked that Ruben once again sides with McCain. He's so far up McCain's ass...

Waste of Time...


Not again. Do these people have nothing better to do? They're wasting everyone's time and, while their time is obviously not worth anything, most of the other people involved probably have better things to do.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



It makes a hell of a lot more sense than the story we've been told. He has every right to write a book with his opinion even if the Church would rather he didn't.

“The Council of Nicaea settled the question that Christ was God in 325, so he is 1700 years out of date," Sydney priest Anthony Robbie said.

Just because a bunch of men in the fourth century made a declaration designed to cement power doesn't make it an indisputable fact.

Double Standard Indeed...


I don't see what possible reason they'd have to release a tape from several years ago showing Obama toasting a colleague. The two worked together, I fail to see why they're once again trying to portray casual acquaintances as best friends.

I'm really scared that Obama is going to lose because of things like this. Two weeks ago I was convinced he was going to win, now I'm pretty much certain Obama will lose. Negative campaigning always works and McCain's campaign has been nothing but negative. They've pretty much stopped talking about policies at all and gone completely negative. They throw everything out there and I see people buying it. Obviously everyone should vote, especially if they're going to vote for Obama, but I have no hope left in my heart. We've lost so many times before and I can't think this will be any different.

Lies Perpetuated by the Media...


I really hate it when the Republicans try to hold Democrats to standards that have never been applied to any candidate before. They've been following the same rules for years and all of a sudden it's not good enough? What I really hate though is when the media buys it and passes it on.

In making this statement, Campbell Brown completely ignores the money advantage the RNC has. Obama may have raised far more than McCain personally, but McCain always knew he could count on unlimited money from the RNC which has far outraised the DNC. Also, there was no way for Obama to know back when he made this decision that the economy would tank so badly and that the 527s would not have any money. It certainly seems Freedom's Watch has plenty of money.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Voter Fraud and Intimidation, the Republicans' Primary Tactic...


This is just great. The stupid Republicans keep lying about ACORN and yet every time we hear about actual voter fraud and intimidation it's committed by Republicans. One might start to wonder why that is. The Virginia Board of Elections better be proactive about this and blanket these communities with flyers correcting these lies.



It's amazing how different England is from America. In America this guy would have probably received an award.



What a surprise that they were paying informants to make up lies in this case. Just like every other government terrorism investigation, they dropped the ball and then lied to cover it up.



I wondered what happened to these guys. I really like their newest thing.

Hate Groups and Bigots...


It's bad enough that these idiots feel it necessary to ruin the lives of the people in their own state, why ruin it for people in other states? What possible difference will civil rights for gay people make for these morons in Pennsylvania?

As for the Nazi Party Knights of Columbus, it's so obvious they're a hate group that nobody should really take them seriously.

Partisan Frivolous Lawsuits...


This really needs to stop. He's proven over and over again that he was born in Hawaii. These lawsuits are wasting the courts' time and the litigants should be prosecuted for it.



Obviously. Despite their claims to the contrary, religion didn't invent morality. Besides, it's far more moral to do something right because it's the right thing to do than it is to do it because you're afraid God is going to punish you.



Nader is so full of shit. How is he advancing his Progressive agenda by helping the Republicans win? Does he ever wonder why his support and money comes almost exclusively from Republicans and Conservatives?

Ralph is not delusional. He knows the story. He is stubborn about the facts and honest with himself.

If he was honest with himself he wouldn't run. He has no chance of winning and, even though he's run every election for like 20 years, he has no chance of accomplishing his goals this way.

If Nader really wanted to change America, or advance his agenda, he would run for Congress. If that's below his immense ego I'm sure he could find a less selfish person to run for him.



I'm shocked. I thought "Joe" was an undecided voter.

Monday, October 27, 2008



I don't blame them. I'm glad they've finally started to strike back at these Fox Newsish television stations. They had no reason to ask those questions.

Bad Idea...


I certainly wouldn't want to watch this. Given her approval ratings I doubt this would play much outside Alaska. Why would they want to do this for her in the first place? Why do they hate America?

Friday, October 24, 2008

If You Can't Win Fairly...


I don't see what possible purpose this has except to prejudice the jury. The prosecution clearly has nothing in this case so they're going to appeal to hate and bigotry.

Stupid Religious People...


God I hate people. They drop an unnecessary word and end up getting crap for crazy religious people who get antsy when they don't see people constantly reaffirming their narrow beliefs. Idiots who assault people for removing Xmas from everything have no faith at all. They are so weak in their beliefs that they can't even stand the thought that some people don't believe what they do.

Lies and More Lies...


I can't say I'm surprised. I wonder how high this all goes. Republicans seem to be completely unable to tell the truth.

Unreasonably High Expectations...


You can't expect him to bring in $150 million every single month. I think even half that would be a great number for one month.

Ignoring The Will of the People...


What is so great about being Mayor of New York City that nobody wants to leave? Giuliani didn't want to leave after 9/11 and now Bloomberg claims he shouldn't have to leave. Trust me, the city will get on without him. He's not that special just because he started a stupid company. I swear, these Republicans don't care what the people think.

Thursday, October 23, 2008



Yeah, this isn't scary or anything. Why the hell does Blackwater have a fucking warship?



Thanks Catholics. I'm sure this makes the victims of your abuse feel so much better. A fucking rooftop garden? Where you have to either look at the church or some shitty lake? How selfish to suggest that you're making amends by building a damn garden. How about you actually punish the bishops that let it happen instead of promoting them and moving them outside the country to avoid prosecution? How about you pay them all for their suffering? This is an insult to all of them.



This is disgusting. The constant attempts by the anti-choice crowd to compare abortion to some of the worst human tragedies in history is truly horrible. They're insulting the memory of the people who were hurt and killed in these events. They should stop trying to justify their hate of women by hurting people.



She needs to stop this. She tried to destroy these guys' lives for money and she failed because she couldn't get her story straight. She should leave these guys alone. She just makes herself look stupid and hurts women who are actually raped.



Yeah, if it's ok with you Ollie, I'm going to refrain from taking my political opinions from a criminal who sold weapons to terrorists and gave money to the regime that captured and held our citizens. Oliver North should be in prison, not filling people's minds with lies on FoxNews.

Ironically the only people suggesting that Obama is the Messiah are Republicans who are trying to diminish him. I've never heard Obama supporters call him a Messiah or suggest he was superhuman or anything.

During Wednesday afternoon's rush hour, I was making my way home on the "Dulles Greenway" when a phalanx of police motorcycles and cruisers stopped all traffic and ordered us to pull our vehicles off the highway onto the shoulders. Over a loudspeaker we were told to stay put until the Obama campaign convoy passed, on the way to a rally in Leesburg, Virginia.

How dare the Secret Service protect a candidate who has received many death threats? They do this for all people under Secret Service protection. It's not like they made a special policy for Obama.

Instantly, hundreds of people were out of their cars. Directly in front of me a group of supporters — evident by their bumper-stickers — jumped out with cameras, cell-phones and banners. They began chanting: "The Messiah! He's coming! Obama is coming!" The shouting only intensified as the candidate and his entourage — motorcycles, police cars, black Secret Service Suburbans and busses — roared past us.

This is so absurd it's almost funny. I can guarantee you this never happened.



I hate that this is the guy the media always concentrates on when talking about renewable energy. Why not Al Gore? He has a lot less baggage. This guy deserves to die penniless and alone. He's a stain on humanity. I hope people don't tie him to this issue because he'll drag it into the ground.



Oh gee, how convenient that they've found oil and all of a sudden they're talking about modifying the embargo. Nobody cares if people in Cuba starve but we'll be damned if we don't exploit their oil and leave them with nothing. That wouldn't be very American, now would it? I hope they tell us to go to hell. It's their oil, we shouldn't be allowed to get our grubby paws on it, especially after what we've done to them.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008



Gee, I wonder. Maybe it's because he's a huge wuss who saw what happened to JPII and was too scared to say anything. Or maybe it's because he realizes he's every bit as evil as the mob, and responsible for far more deaths, and he doesn't have the balls to commit such an act of hypocrisy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008



McCain can't be serious here. Can he? He's honestly suggesting that his experience piloting a plane during the Cuban Missile Crisis equals JFK's experience during that crisis or the next President's experience in any future crisis? He's comparing sitting on a flight deck waiting for the order to drop bombs to the President having to use diplomacy to avert the crisis? As a pilot, he had no say on whether we bombed Cuba. If it had been his decision he would have probably started a nuclear war. If he had received an order to deploy nukes, he'd have been required by law to follow it. That's not a challenge for the pilot. He's trained to follow orders. There's no choice on his part, no decision to make. JFK, on the other hand, had to make the call on whether to issue the order. Comparing the experience of the man who makes the decision, and the one who follows it, is absurd.

Monday, October 20, 2008




This sort of thing really scares me. This is what the McCain campaign is doing to our country.



Well obviously. I don't see why he wouldn't welcome input from Powell. Colin Powell is a great American with a wealth of experience, despite his horrible performance in the run up to the start of the war, and he will be extremely valuable to Obama.



Ok, this is just insane. They're going to delay the release of the game, and remove content, just because it contains Muslim content? What's wrong with this country?

Sunday, October 19, 2008


I don't see why Democrats should participate at all in a function sponsored by an organization whose leadership is practically a member of the Republican Party. It ranks right up there with the Saddleback Forum in pointlessness. At least it was for charity this time.

Why then was Obama welcomed to the Al Smith Dinner, his hand on Cardinal Egan's shoulder as they chuckled together, while Kerry had to stay away? It helps that Obama is not Catholic. Some Catholics have criticized his support for abortion rights, but as he is not a member of their tradition, they don't feel the same need to sanction him.

If Catholics refuse to vote for a Catholic Democrat just because he's pro-choice, but will vote for a pro-choice non-Catholic Democrat, why should Democrats ever nominate Catholics? We're not going to compromise our strong belief in women's rights just to make a bunch of dress wearing freaks happy. They're essentially talking themselves out of the Presidency. The Republicans will certainly never nominate a Catholic since their base of racist fundies hate Catholics. Now they're essentially telling the Dems they'd better not nominate a Catholic either. They'll never have another Kennedy as long as they treat Catholic Dems harder than they treat non-Catholic Dems.

In early October, Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton released a letter to be read in every pulpit in the diocese that said, in part: "Abortion is the issue this year and every year in every campaign. [Catholics] are wrong when they assert that abortion is only one of a multitude of issues of equal importance. Abortion must take precedence over every other issue."

Somebody should investigate the tax exemption this asshole enjoys. We all know what he's saying even if he doesn't come right out and say "Vote Republican" or "Vote for McCain".

Friday, October 17, 2008

Health Care...


It's sad that people have to sail boats into international waters just so women can have access to health care.



Palin shouldn't be able to prohibitively price access to government documents to the point that no one, not even major media outlets, can access them. This violates the whole point of Freedom of Information.

Thursday, October 16, 2008



If he's such a humble guy, and doesn't want the candidates to pay attention to him, why did he start this? At the best he chose to go to Obama's campaign stop to ambush him, at the worst he was hired by the McCain campaign/Fox News to ambush Obama. Either way he consciously put himself out there. What did he think would happen. Now people are starting to look into his background, which is completely appropriate, and what they're finding is very telling. At first people thought he wasn't registered to vote because his name is misspelled on his registration. If McCain had his way this would prevent him from voting at all since his id wouldn't match his registration. He's behind on his state taxes. He's not a registered plumber even though he represents himself as a plumber and claims he wants to buy a plumbing business. He himself said later that he doesn't really have any sort of coherent plan to buy the company and that he doesn't currently make anywhere near the $250,000 tax limit. He's also admitted that the $250,000 to $280,000 number he mentioned was how much he plans to pay for the company, not how much he will be making as owner. Even though he represents himself as an undecided voter, he is a registered Republican who voted for McCain in the primary and went on Fox News to slam Obama. It doesn't sound like he's undecided to me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008



So this is the guy who started the whole Obama is a Muslim thing. Sounds like a nutcase. Evidently he doesn't like Jews much either, is there anyone he does like?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008



How appropriate would it be for McCain to be taken down by the same kind of negative viral e-mail that they've been sending around about Obama? Talk about Karma.



How appropriate that they would be best buddies. They're both fascists, they both got into power through lies and cheating, they both have nothing but contempt for their people, etc... They deserve each other.

Monday, October 13, 2008



Paul Krugman won the Nobel Prize in Economics. It's about time. Krugman is a great economist and a strong critic of Bush's economic policies. It's good to see his hard work rewarded.

Saturday, October 11, 2008



The level of hate that exists just outside Philly is quite shocking. It makes me worry a lot about what's going to happen.



Ah Philly, I love this town. They probably thought having her go out there with the little girl as a human shield would protect them. They've obviously never been to Philly. They booed Santa for God's sake.

Get Out...


Philadelphia has no use for Sarah Palin. She should stay in Alaska where people are dumb enough to fall for her lies. Bringing her here in the first place was just a ploy by a Republican donor who happens to own the team. She needs to get the hell out of the city, nobody wants her here.



John Lewis is right. I think a lot of people are getting deja vu about this whole thing. The instigators were never the ones to actually carry out the attacks in the Civil Rights era. They just riled up their followers until someone got angry enough and then people died. That's what I worry about here. McCain can only repeat these lies so many times before someone gets crazy enough that they take a shot.

Not Paying Attention...


I guess poor Cindy hasn't been paying attention to her own husband's campaign. I don't recall hearing people at Obama rallies yelling "kill him" or "terrorist" or telling an African-American reporter to "sit down, boy". Her husband stopped caring about the country a long time ago. This whole thing has been for his ego and his agenda, not for America.



Well then, I'm glad Nugent isn't President. It takes a lot of balls to suggest that everyone who wasn't as successful as you should be deported. Unfortunately, it's not the good type of balls. It's the kind of balls that make you an asshole. This guy's a gun obsessed nut and is going to kill someone eventually.

Wishful Thinking...


I love how fans of certain teams think the whole world supports their team. No, scratch that, I hate how fans of certain teams do that. Don't assume that just because you support your team that everyone else does. I don't think any more people outside Boston and Los Angeles are going to watch a series between those teams. If anything, I'd think people would be happy to see a team other than the regular suspects competing in the series. Either way, it looks like T.J. is about to learn just how little the rest of the country is itching for a Red Sox - Dodgers series since his team is about to be eliminated.

Double Standard...


I'm sure it was just a coincidence that these students were singled out for Obama signs while other students were allowed to have McCain signs. There's a lot of hatred coming from the Republican side in this election. Frankly, it scares me.

Friday, October 10, 2008

More Racism...


I don't know how much clearer Obama could be on his past. He wrote a book about it. I don't think people really care anymore what people did in their past as long as they're not doing it now. Bill Clinton smoked pot. George Bush did cocaine and was an alcoholic until he was in his 40s. Heck, Bush has several DWI's in his past and his wife killed a guy with a car. This hasn't affected their elections. If people don't vote for Obama for something he did while he was a teenager, it's obviously because he's black.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


I know Israel's done some pretty crazy shit over the years but I doubt they're fronting groups of Islamic militants. Here's a news flash Yemen: Israel and Islamic militants don't like each other very much. Seems someone doesn't want to really investigate what's going on and just wants to blame Israel.

Looking In The Wrong Place...


I know the Israeli government is crap, full of corrupt idiots and violent thugs, but shouldn't Israelis be looking to their own government for leadership on these issues?



Oh please. This is absurd. It takes a special brand of stupid to think the baby dolls are actually saying this. Some people are so suggestive.

First Dude...


I really don't see how this makes it better. This turns it from 'Sarah leaned on people to fire a state trooper' to 'Palin's husband went behind her back and used her name to intimidate people into firing a state trooper without informing her first.' Can you imagine what would happen if a male politician's wife was going behind his back like this? Can you imagine what Hillary would do to Bill if he pulled something like this? I'll give you a hint: it would involve some dull scissors and a lot of screaming. Todd Palin was running around Alaska essentially acting like he was Governor and it seems Sarah was, at least on some issues, oblivious. Who, other than Sarah, could possibly get away with this? Palin is lucky in that nobody actually cares about her qualifications, or her strength as a candidate, they just care that she's a woman who says she supports everything the Republicans support and has no opinions of her own. She's a nice little Stepford candidate. If they were actually worried about her ability to be VP, or President, this would be a huge bombshell indeed. As it stands, they don't really want her to be able to act on her own so this probably reassures them that she was a good choice.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008



I really worry about the amount of violence as we get closer to the election, especially if Obama wins. If this is happening in England, imagine what's going to happen here.


She'll probably never see the inside of a jail cell. It seems courts in this country hold a pretty dim view of the worth of men lately. If she didn't want to have sex, she could have easily just said no. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't see anything in there suggesting she was forced in any way. Even if she was, he was asleep. She could have left and called the cops and he would have gone to prison.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

October Surprise?...


I wonder how much they are taking off of Rezko's sentence to make him lie? Any prosecution that comes out of this Justice Dept. is going to be tainted. Everyone knows the Justice Dept. has been turned into yet another political organ of the Republican Party. They're not interested in justice anymore, just prosecuting Democrats before the election and digging up dirt on Obama.

They Must Be So Grateful...


It's so nice that we're spending billions of dollars a year so they can have a strong economy. Meanwhile we're a few months from banana republic status. I guess we can be secure in the knowledge that as our economy collapses under the strain of the Iraq War, Iraq will be enjoying their new found wealth (too bad they won't lift a finger to help us).

Glutton For Punishment...


It's so nice that this one guy gets to determine what school children get to learn. Maybe Whitman should think about why she continues to associate with the Republican Party when their friends do things like this.

Subverting Democracy...


So it begins...The Republican controlled Justice Dept. will go to any length to keep undesirables from voting. This includes prosecuting organizations that help register poor people to vote on trumped up charges. This is just the beginning, there will no doubt be more.

Monday, October 06, 2008



That's great, I'll be expecting him to sign over every ounce of gold, every precious jewel, every dollar in the Vatican coffers. After all, if he thinks money is so futile there are many people in this world who would be more than willing to relieve him of the burden. I know I could use my share of the billions in riches owned by the Church. He should either put up or be forever branded a hypocrite (though I guess he's already earned that distinction a million times over).

If You Repeat A Lie Often Enough...


I bet in six months we'll be hearing from the right-wing media, and their puppets in the mainstream media, how no oil was spilled in the hurricane and how this proves how great offshore drilling is. They did the same after Katrina. There were massive oil spills after Katrina and yet legitimate news sources are reporting that there wasn't a single gallon spilled.



And how are these people different from the Islamic extremists that Israel is always complaining about? There have been some pretty serious cases of violence committed by this community. They force women to sit at the back of the bus and control how they dress. Up until recently they've pretty much had a stranglehold on Israeli law, they still have a lot of power considering their numbers. Just because they tend to confine their terrorism to their own communities doesn't diminish the fact that they are terrorists.



This is absurd. They even admit they don't have any hard evidence of this. Their only source of evidence is a right-wing website that spreads right-wing lies. They're literally just throwing lies out there hoping they'll convince enough people to change their votes. So much for the straight-talking maverick McCain always claims to be.

Sure, Blame the Gay Guy...


"If this had been his ex-wife and he was Republican, I would bet every penny I have - or at least what’s not in the stock market - that this would be considered germane," added Gainor, a T. Boone Pickens Fellow. "But everybody wants to avoid it because he’s gay. It’s the quintessential double standard."

Sure, I can only imagine the outrage had this been a Republican. Like, say just as an example, if a Republican Senator's wife was working for Enron at the same time that Senator was voting for, and urging his colleagues in Congress to vote for, a loophole for Enron that would make them millions and screw millions of consumers out of billions of dollars. Why, there'd be a huge scandal and I bet that once the extent of the scandal became clear that Senator wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere near Washington.

Oh, but wait, that did happen. The Senator was Phil Gramm and his wife, Wendy Lee Gramm, did indeed work for Enron and Phil Gramm did push through legislation that essentially exempted them from even the most basic oversight. Then, when they used that freedom from oversight to screw consumers out of a lot of money by manipulating the energy market Enron ended up making millions, if not billions, in profits. But quite to the contrary of what the author suggested, Gramm wasn't drummed out of Washington. In fact, he's a leading member of John McCain's campaign and is set to have a very high position in any McCain Administration where he can proceed to create more loopholes which will cost consumers even more money.

Take Responsibility For Your Own Decisions...


What? You mean having millions of people who literally abstain from thinking, and let their preacher make all their decisions, is not a good thing? How can that be? Making horrible decisions based on faith, and then putting all the responsibility on an invisible force called God, is a recipe for disaster. When these people are homeless are they going to put it on God too? They need to start thinking for themselves and stop financing their preacher's lavish lifestyle because, I guarantee you, he doesn't give a shit what happens to them.

The FDA Has No Credibility....


How convenient. Does anyone believe the Bush Administrations FDA about anything anymore? They'd say drinking pure bleach was good for your complexion if some industry told them to.

Why Have Laws If You Don't Enforce Them?...


Why do we have laws if no one is going to enforce them? If a priest gets up and suggests in his capacity as priest that someone should vote for a specific candidate he should be punished. His church should immediately lose its tax exempt status. I don't care if they mention the candidates names or just wink wink tell people who to vote for, everyone knows where the candidates stand on the issues and everyone knows what the priest is suggesting. This is a clear violation of law and no one is doing anything about it. If a liberal priest got up on the pulpit and said this the RNC would be all over their ass and they'd be right to do so. Churches enjoy a very lucrative, and wrong in my opinion, tax exemption. They make billions off of this and the only thing we ask is that they refrain from overtly using their brainwashed masses of followers as a political weapon. I don't think that's too much to ask.

Republican Dirty Tricks...


I don't see this addressed really anywhere in the article but this is a solely Republican tactic. You'll never see Democrats doing this. It originates right at the top of the Republican Party. It's the worst of dirty tricks and it reveals that the Republicans have no respect for democracy. If they did, they wouldn't be trying so hard to keep people from voting.

Idiots in Large Groups...


I don't suppose they're planning a pro-choice or pro-women's rights plate to offset the obvious bias of this one? I didn't think so.

If they allow the fringe anti-choicers their plate they're going to have to allow every radical organization to have one too. This includes the Klan, Fred Phelps, anti-government militias, maybe even let the abortion clinic bombers have one so they don't have to share. This sets a dangerous precedent.

Friday, October 03, 2008

More Unfunny Conservative "Comedy"...


The problem with right-wing comedy is that it concentrates far too much on being vindictive and far too little on being funny. I imagine this movie will be one big "Michael Moore is fat and ugly" joke without any real laughs. The same thing happened when Fox and one of the guys behind 24 tried to make a conservative answer to the Daily Show. It bombed almost immediately and even Fox News had to admit it was a failure and cancel it. The problem is that while a conservative Daily Show would be non-stop partisan attacks and lies, the Daily Show isn't like that from a liberal perspective. John McCain is one of the most frequent guests on the Daily Show, can anyone imagine the same being true of Hillary Clinton on the conservative show? Conservatives have proven themselves to be absolutely without a sense of humor, even Dennis Miller went way downhill once he started openly kissing George W. Bush's ass.

The movie features pretty much every conservative actor in Hollywood (Kelsey Grammer, Jon Voight, Dennis Hopper, what? Was Patricia Heaton busy?) None of these people are hurting for work (except maybe for Chris Farley's unfunny brother) which shows that their "Hollywood hates conservatives and punishes them" bullshit is a complete lie.

In the version of the film screened for this story, Gary Coleman cameos in said scene as a car-washing plantation slave who calls out to an off-camera colleague named Barack. When asked about the reference, Zucker, who co-wrote the film with Myrna Sokoloff and Lewis Friedman, revealed it will be left on the cutting room floor.

This makes me absolutely livid. I don't care if they eventually took it out, it's absurd they even thought this would be appropriate. The excuse they gave for taking it out is even more absurd. They should have taken it out because it's racist, not because of some silly excuse about the Afghan and Iraq wars.

As Michael Moore said "I hope it's funny". I'm not holding my breath.



This is absurd crap. It seems to suggest women are idiots who are completely unable to form actual positions and only make judgments based on superficial factors like a woman's looks. Sadly it's actually written by a woman. She must really hate her gender to write shit like this. Women aren't flocking away from Palin because she's pretty or because she's assertive, they're flocking from her because she stands against everything most women care about and she is an unqualified disaster of a candidate.

Jumping To Conclusions...


This is an absurd case. How can you look at something like this, with no suspects and no motive, and immediately declare that it definitely wasn't a hate crime? How about you wait until you know the who and the why before you declare the case closed? Someone spraying chemicals in the face of a little girl at a mosque looks like a hate crime to me.



This guy Ruben is so far up Dubya's butt he can probably blow his nose for him. Nobody in their right mind could call that debate a tie. To suggest that she won is just absurd.

If you like Obama-Biden, then Joe Biden won.

If you prefer McCain-Palin, Sarah Palin did. That's how you can tell a tie.

No, you can tell a tie when objective people say there was a tie. Obama/Biden supporters say Biden won because Biden wiped the floor with her. McCain/Palin supporters say she won because they have a screw loose and are divorced from reality. To suggest that the two groups somehow cancel each other out is like saying chimps cancel out Rhodes Scholars.

That's what this was. And since Biden was supposed to destroy Palin, and didn't even come close, this was a good night for the Republican.

Nobody ever said he would destroy her. Most people predicted that Biden would go easy on her to avoid angering the idiots who think she should never be criticized because she's a woman.

In the middle of last week, McCain won leadership accolades with his march to Capitol Hill to try to alleviate the economic crisis.

Were we watching the same reality last week? The Republicans were ambivalent at best, mostly angry that he dropped in and pretended he was the supreme leader of the Republican Party, the Dems were livid pointing out that he torpedoed an almost done deal by injecting politics.

At one annoying moment, the Democrat even instructed the moderator, PBS' Gwen Ifill, that Palin hadn't answered a question.

That's what actually happened, she was making up questions and answering them instead of answering the actual questions. It's not Biden's fault she did that.

He could have said that directly to Palin, but, in a McCainesque moment, he ignored her.

What would have been the point? She wasn't answering Ifill's questions, why would she acknowledge his? She was off in her own little world.

Biden caught himself later when Palin -- in her best line -- informed him and Ifill that she was going to speak straight to the American people even if it meant not answering questions the way that he or Ifill wanted her to.

It's not charming in a debate to declare that you're no longer going to participate in the actual debate and are instead going to just pretend you're at a different debate.

I tried to post a response at the bottom of the article but, surprise, they didn't allow it through. I guess Ruben doesn't like people to point out his lies.

Built in Audience...


I don't think this surprises anyone really. It wasn't exactly a huge week for movies to begin with. Also, this movie has a built in audience: Christians who will go see anything their preacher/priest tells them to. Any idea that this type of pandering garbage wasn't lucrative went away when Passion of the Christ came out. The idiot masses salivated for that one and they'll no doubt salivate for this crap too.

How pathetic is that whole kissing thing? These people are so afraid of sex, or even the thought of sex, that they walk around like little boys. Kirk Cameron probably gets a hard on whenever he sees a woman's exposed ankle.



Of course they endorsed before all the other papers, they knew they would be endorsing the Republican candidate all along. I don't think it surprises anyone that the conservative newspaper in Boston endorsed the Republican candidate. Wake me when a real newspaper endorses someone.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008



Charming people. This is the future of the Republican Party.



Does anybody actually believe a word that comes from the IOC anymore? They don't dare say anything against China because China gave them millions of dollars in kickbacks and bribes. They have no credibility now. It's obvious to anyone watching that those girls were way underage, passports or not they shouldn't have been competing.

Sunday, September 28, 2008



So very hypocritical. How dare we charge another country with torture, and bring it to trial in our courts, when we do the exact same thing ourselves? What country will eventually bring Dubya to trial for the torture he's sanctioned?

Friday, September 26, 2008



It is not good when Bush is the voice of reason in international affairs.

Thursday, September 25, 2008



This guy is an absolute fruitcake. He was on his way to being a successful actor and then he just went over the deep end. Now he won't even fake kiss a woman other than his wife? What a whacko.



Heaven forbid the yearbook show students who care about each other. This is what's wrong with this country.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008



PETA doesn't win any supporters with gimmicky shit like this. They're only making themselves look like idiots.



McCain doesn't care about solving the financial crisis, he's just scared to death of debating Obama. He knows that he's going to get demolished by Obama. That's why he wants to use any excuse to stop the debates. Obama shouldn't cave to him. This is a direct result of the new poll numbers showing Obama above 50% and with a 9% lead.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Idiots With No Brains...


Only a follower of Ayn Rand could look at this mess and say it's due to over-regulation of the markets. If the Randians had their way there would have been no regulation at all and this mess would be a billion times worse. Look at what the companies did with the regulation that still exists and imagine the excess that would have occurred if they had complete free reign. They'd be giving $500,000 mortgages to homeless people and selling million dollar houses to dogs.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Good Decision...


This is a good decision. There was no logical reason not to hire her.

Pastor Problem...


This is the guy who Sarah Palin credits with helping her become Governor of Alaska. This guy makes Wright look like Billy Graham.

Crazy Zealots...


These people scare me. And the woman who wants to be one breath away from the Presidency is one of them.

Friday, September 19, 2008



So evidently three white men with a cache of weapons and a plan are nothing to worry about but a black guy with baby powder in prison is a major threat? I really worry about the ability, and the willingness, of the Bush Justice Department to protect Obama. Many of them have a problem with black people. The place is stacked with political operatives, in positions usually held by non-political career positions. I doubt there are many Obama supporters there, in fact I'd bet most of them would be less than sad about Obama's demise. Now we find out a Rove appointed US Attorney passed on a serious threat to Obama while freaking out over someone who couldn't have done anything to McCain? This is bullshit.



I wonder how much the plastic industry paid Steven for this article?

If Only We Could Have Seen This Coming...


Well, so much for Bush's supposed diplomacy. Too bad we don't have a President who actually believes in diplomacy. If only someone else who fit that description had run in 2000 or 2004...

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...


This is a really bad idea. Is Google going to allow ads from Planned Parenthood? The right-wing will love that. The ads fail on a very basic level. The rule states that the ads have to be "factual". That alone disqualifies anything the anti-choice crowd could muster since they don't have facts on their side. It's all going to be pictures of bloody fetuses and comparisons of abortion doctors with Nazis.

Plus, if you cave on this one they're just going to come up with a demand even more outrageous.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Plane Crash...


This is sad.



Well, which is it? They knew damn well whether she had entered Iraq. That's not something you just forget. They thought they'd throw it out there, along with all the other lies, and count on the media not to investigate too eagerly. When confronted with the lie they backtracked but, make no mistake, they knew this was a lie and they intended to leave it out there.

More of the Same...


She would fit in well in the Bush Administration.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Noun, a Verb and POW...


Anybody wanna guess why this was released now? This is an obvious attempt by McCain's campaign to once again remind people of his time as a POW. It appears this is all he can talk about. Never before has a man been so insistent on dwelling on such a horrible memory to the exclusion of much happier memories.



How can this still be acceptable in 2008? Seating an all white jury, with members who have already decided their going to punish OJ for an unrelated case, is racism of the worst kind. There is no reason they shouldn't be able to find some black jurors to sit on the jury, at the very least they should move some of the black alternate jurors up to the regular jury so we can have some semblance of fairness.

Double Standard...


Can you imagine the outrage if an employer rejected the reasonable request for prayer of a Christian group? The Muslim religion is very specific about times and locations of prayer, it is not negotiable. By restricting these employees, the employer is violating the religious rights of their workers. I think they should sue this company out of business.

Poor Choice....


This list is flawed. Sure, Oprah gives a lot to charity but some of the others on the list are questionable. It seems they went by pure numbers without figuring out where that money went. Mel Gibson's inclusion is particularly perplexing. He is certainly not a charitable person, more of a horrible anti-Semite. It appears his "charity" goes to the Holy Family Church in Malibu which is his own personal church, constructed with his money. This church is not a charity, it is a huge ego-trip for Mel Gibson where he can go and worship with like minded bigots. I doubt they do anything to help the surrounding community. Just because any corrupt organization that calls itself a church can receive tax exemption doesn't mean they're making a positive difference for anyone.

No Wonder...


While Chavez's words may seem odd to us, we can hardly sympathize with his situation (or that of Morales). We are the big dog on the block. Chavez and Morales face the constant threat of being overthrown simply because they don't allow us to choose their economic system. Our government sponsors criminals who attempt to overthrow their governments so they can install right-wing dictatorships who will give us favorable terms on oil. They had every right to expel our diplomats. In fact, I don't see why they didn't do that years ago. Our government has been after Chavez from the beginning and they appear to have also targeted Morales before he was even elected. Why should they deal with us when we insist on acting like children?

Is it any wonder Venezuela turned to Russia for help? We've certainly not given them any reason to trust us. They know the only way to prevent US intervention is to have a strong partner willing to defend them.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Think Condi, think...


Well gee Condi, why do you think this is? Could it be that the Republicans are not hiring a lot of minorities because they hate minorities? Could it be that you've been working for a group of people who keep you around only because you make them look diverse while secretly they hate you behind your back? Of course you are the freakin' Secretary of State, if you don't see enough blacks at the State Dept. perhaps you should HIRE SOME!

Recall the Governator...


It's about time. He's been a disaster from the beginning. I really hope they're successful in recalling him. Maybe California can get a government that actually knows what it's doing.



Sure, why not? That's how we solve our disputes in the adult world, we just kidnap those who we disagree with and deliver them to a heavily biased court so they can be executed. Why not just shoot him in the street like a dog? Israel is not a responsible player on the world stage, they're way too much of a loose cannon. To even suggest this action, much less carry it out, shows a serious lack of intelligence. What charges will they bring him up on? Trying to develop a domestic energy industry? Having a non-traditional opinion on the Holocaust? He is wrong on the Holocaust but he has every right to hold as many seminars as he wants. It only serves to make him look like a dick and make people sympathetic for the Jews. If I were Israel I'd be encouraging him to do it. It's not like anyone's attending who just isn't sure on the matter, everyone there already denies the Holocaust happened. He's preaching to the choir. By doing what they're suggesting it will immediately make people infinitely more sympathetic to Ahmadinejad and will hurt Israel's standing among all the countries except America (The US would unfortunately still support Israel even if they preemptively nuked Iran).



Big surprise, she was ripping off the people of Alaska for her own benefit. The more I learn about her the worse she looks.

Nice Try...


We can talk about banning the Sarah Palin e-mails (which don't seem to be very widespread, I've heard nothing about them) when we get the Republicans on record in favor of banning the widespread, and racist, e-mails about Obama. I doubt whether these Sarah Palin e-mails even exist, but if they do they're not anywhere near as big a problem as the Obama ones. The Obama ones are exposing extreme racism among people who probably convinced themselves they weren't racist and they may just sway the election. I don't see the Palin e-mails doing that since anyone likely to be swayed by them isn't going to vote for her anyway.

Political Plagiarism...


Hmm, I know I've heard this policy before but I'm not sure where it was...hmmm...oh right. Obama suggested this months ago. Funny how the Republicans criticize Obama every chance they get and then enact the exact same policies he's been suggesting. He should sue them for plagiarism.



Typical. He's black and he has a Muslim sounding name so he must be a terrorist. This bullshit is why people don't sympathize with Israel. The sad thing is this is the kind of thing the Republicans are trying to get us to emulate.

Stick To Your Day Job...


You've got 535 people in Congress, 100 Senators and 435 Representatives. Now, [my wife] Gena and I went to the House chamber last year. They were debating a bill. Well, not debating — they were screaming at each other across the aisles. And I'm watching them and thinking, this looks like a grammar school class. Who do we hold accountable in the House of Representatives? If you blame one Congressmen for something, he blames Joe Blow over there. Well, how do we know? Let's reduce it down to one or two Congressmen per state. First of all, we'd save millions in salaries and secondly, now we'll know who to blame.

And here is where Chuck proves he knows nothing about the government. Let me break it down.

House of Representatives:
435 members
members allotted based on population (more power for larger states)
less deliberative body more closely in tune with the passions of the people because they're elected every 2 years.

100 members
members allotted two per state regardless of population (much more power for smaller states)
more deliberative body, members elected every 6 years.

Congress is a compromise that was worked out by the Founding Fathers to balance the interests of the larger states with those of the smaller states. The smaller population states (mostly Republican states) benefit greatly from the present composition of the Senate. If the House were reduced to one or two members per state regardless of population it would put all the power in the hands of the small states completely disenfranchising the larger states. One person in New York would be infinitely less powerful than one person in Alaska. In addition, the electoral college would have to be changed because currently the composition of the electoral college is determined by the number of Congressmen and Senators each state has. If that were reconfigured to reflect the new composition of Congress, we would never see a Democratic President again and one person in Alaska's vote would become equal to hundreds or even thousands of residents in New York.

Get rid of our tax structure. That's what's killing our people: the income, state, capital gains, corporate, property and social security taxes. It's not right, and it's not the way it was intended in the beginning from our founding fathers. Implement a Fair Tax where we tax consumption.

This would lead to poverty on a horrible scale while ushering in a period of unimaginable wealth for those who are already rich. The gap between rich and poor would grow ever larger as poor people spend all their money on sales taxes. It would also usher in a new caste system where the rich can pass all their money to their offspring who will advance by virtue of their parents' wealth instead of their own talent.

I think you can learn from history. When I started reading, I got interested in the Barbary Wars, when extreme Muslim pirates were capturing our ships and holding them for ransom. Congress decided to negotiate with the Barbary pirates, and Tripoli started a war with us anyway. It was interesting reading about this situation where we dealt with extremists 200 years ago, and thinking about where we are now.

The Barbary Pirates attacked our ships because they were pirates, not because they were Muslims. We started a war with them to protect our interests and we won. We didn't invade Libya and occupy it for 100 years. Nor did we invade Ethiopia based on lies and then occupy that for a decade.

As an option. I'm not trying to cram it down people's throats. Give people an option, a choice, of what they want to do. We teach evolution in school. Why can't we give kids an alternative choice of a Bible curriculum and let them make up their own mind?

By teaching the bible in public schools it ceases being "an option" for those kids who aren't Christian. In a majority Christian school, which is almost all schools in this country, a child is going to realize that they have no choice in the matter. They will go along, and have their rights infringed, in order not to get beat up or penalized by the teacher.

That's a personal thing. It happens to millions of young kids today. That's because of our open society, where sex is not a big thing: "If it feels good, do it." These young kids take that to heart and wind up making a big mistake, just like Bristol did. But you cannot condemn her. It's a mistake she's going to have to live with, but that has nothing to do with Sarah Palin and her abilities as a leader.

Funny how it's only a personal thing if the person involved is a Republican. It's never a personal thing when the mother is a black woman in the inner-city. It wouldn't be a personal thing if Obama had a pregnant 17 year old daughter.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Idiots Who Don't Understand The Meaning of the Word Interventionist...


Huzza what?!?!?!

Things are getting worse. The Bush administration -- hardly a bunch of eager interventionists -- had no choice; it couldn't save these companies with jawboning and bluster about a bazooka full of cash; it had to take them over.

If the Bush Administration were any more interventionist they'd have invaded Moscow by now. They have intervened EVERYWHERE. They intervened in Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, etc... As for the economy, their entire policy has been intervention. I don't see how much more they could be doing, they've gone as far as they possibly could to prop up these corporations and make sure their millionaire stock holders get to keep their money.



So the Dems should praise Lieberman for stabbing his party in the back? Would the Republicans have praised a Republican Senator who got up at the DNC and repeated horrible lies about McCain in order to give the Dems a cover of bipartisanship? They strip people of their committee assignments for voting their conscience, imagine what they'd do to someone like Lieberman.



But she's totally a maverick.



Anyone wanna bet the Church has a hand in this?



This is such a bullshit lie and yet people will believe it. The reality is that some Republican who was lurking in the stadium after Obama's speech waited until everyone walked away for a minute and stole thousands of flags (someone should really look into criminal charges for that) and gave them to the Republicans so they could claim the Dems hated America. It's an absurd thing to even suggest and it just goes to prove McCain's lying when he says he never questioned Obama's patriotism.

If Only...


Who wants a cold war? Well, the Heritage Foundation for one. They get a big hard on when the word war is mentioned. I think they probably have to leave the room when someone starts talking about War-ren G. Harding.

I would love it if our country had the moral high ground to denounce what Russia's doing, but we don't. We invaded Iraq for manufactured reasons before they invaded Georgia for manufactured reasons. We supported the illegal move of Kosovo leaving Serbia before they supported the illegal move of S. Ossetia and Abkhazia leaving Georgia. We have no room to speak. If we hadn't done what we did, it's entirely possible Russia wouldn't be doing what they're doing because if we had obeyed International Law, Russia wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

We're going to have a really hard time solving this problem because most of Europe is essentially being held hostage by Russia for the oil they need and the US, the only country with the will to do anything, is rendered impotent due to our hypocrisy.

Man, if only there was some point in history where we could look to see where we went wrong...oh, wait...there is. If we hadn't elected Bush and his fuckwit moron brigade all this could have been avoided (except maybe for the Kosovo thing because even the Dems were a bit pollyannish about that). Too bad nobody listened to those of us who foresaw this.