Friday, November 07, 2008


Joe Lieberman really lives in his own little world, doesn't he? Who cares what he wants? He's lucky they haven't already kicked him out of the caucus. There is no way in hell he deserves to retain his chairmanship. He should have lost it the second he left the Party. Now that he's further insulted the Democratic Party by endorsing McCain and other down ticket Republicans he is faced with two choices. He can remain in the majority party and receive another committee assignment or he can join the minority and take whatever they give him. I can guarantee he won't get anything better from them. Bottom line, if he doesn't like the overly generous offer they're giving him he's free to leave. They don't need him. But he knows he can't leave because he needs the Dems more than they need him, and that eats him up inside because he considers himself the most important person in the world.