Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yes, please, get them all off the bench. Their absence would do more to advance the judicial system than pretty much anything else. If they value the opinions of some ex-Nazi in a dress and pointy hat over democracy they should resign immediately.

The Catholic Church has always been anti-Democracy. There's no trace of it in the Church itself. In their view Democracy is so messy after all, for when people have the freedom to make up their own mind, they sometimes make decisions that disagree with the Pope. We can't have that, can we? It's nice that they've issued a statement that so encapsulates this fact that anyone with a love for Democracy would have to be a complete moron not to understand it. If you love Democracy you cannot be a Catholic, that should seal it pretty well.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


It's not Obama's fault he can't get any bipartisan cooperation. The Republicans have decided that since the American people voted them out they're going to take their ball and go home. They've promised to bring Congress to a standstill by filibustering every single piece of legislation to come through. That doesn't sound bipartisan to me.

Obama listened to the Republicans concerns, perhaps too much, and made changes to the bill to try to satisfy them. What he didn't realize is that they don't want to be satisfied. They want to obstruct the business of the country at every opportunity. He could have made the bill nothing but tax cuts and they still would have tried to torpedo it. That's what they do. They don't actually have anything to run on in 2010, no ideas that might appeal to America, so they're going to make sure nothing passes in the next two years and then run on the idea that the Democrats didn't do anything. It didn't work for them in 2008 but then again the Republicans have always been the party of trying old failed ideas over and over again hoping they'll eventually work. If they had any new ideas they'd be Democrats.

As for Gregg, he volunteered for the position. This is quite suspicious for someone who once voted to abolish the Commerce Dept. He only wanted the job so he could run the census and make sure the Republicans won a bunch of extra seats. Once that was taken away there was really no reason for him to stay.

"All the talk about bipartisanship that we have heard over the last several months went down the drain," House Republican leader John Boehner complained on Friday.

Nice try there Boner. You have to give bipartisanship to get bipartisanship. The reason this didn't work out in a bipartisan way was because the Republicans didn't want it to turn out that way. They behaved in a hyper-partisan way and now they want to bitch about the Dems. It doesn't work that way. As far as the Republicans are concerned, bipartisanship means they get everything they want and Dems get nothing. That may have worked when they ruled the Congress with an iron fist but there's a new Sheriff in town.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

No Do-Overs...

Coleman should not be allowed a do-over. He only wants it because his first and second attempts to steal the election (first during the actual election, second during the recount) failed. He shouldn't be allowed another chance to subvert the wishes of the people. The people of Minnesota have spoken. That should be that. They should seat Al Franken now.


Wow, they must be desperate if they're relying on this undereducated rube to save their party.