Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The next governor of the great state of New Jersey is...

Jon Corzine.

Congrats to New Jersey. We made the right decision.

Also, congrats to Virginia.

And finally, I can't for the life of me figure out what New Yorkers were thinking. Bloomburg may pretend to be a moderate but at the end of the day he reports to Bush. And that means he reports to the religious right.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Vote Corzine!...

Tomorrow's the election and for an off year it's a huge race. New Jersey will elect a governor, we will either end up with a governor for the history books or a corrupt idiot with no significant political experience and a history of corruption miles long. We will either end up with a governor who will pull us out of our economic slump or one who puts the final nail in the coffin of our state. I expect every one of you to get out and vote if you're registered in New Jersey. I implore you make the right decision. We need Jon Corzine now more than ever, he's proven himself in the Senate and, regardless of what his bitter ex-wife says, he will make this state proud.

And lest we forget, while the Republicans make a big deal out of George Norcross, Forrester is their Norcross. And while Norcross has never held, or been nominated for, a major state office, the Republicans have nominated their Norcross for governor.

This race scares me more than any other, because it's so close and because it means so much for this state and for my family. I wasn't even this worried on the eve of the Presidential election. I knew that no matter what, at least I lived in a state where the government would do its best to protect me from the Republicans. If Forrester wins we have nowhere to hide. He will destroy every protection afforded the poor, elderly and disabled. He will do to our state what Dubya has done to the nation.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Damn weather...


I hate tornadoes.

Seems the weather's been really bad this year, worse than normal, anybody want to guess why that is? *cough*globalwarming*cough*