Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The next governor of the great state of New Jersey is...

Jon Corzine.

Congrats to New Jersey. We made the right decision.

Also, congrats to Virginia.

And finally, I can't for the life of me figure out what New Yorkers were thinking. Bloomburg may pretend to be a moderate but at the end of the day he reports to Bush. And that means he reports to the religious right.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Vote Corzine!...

Tomorrow's the election and for an off year it's a huge race. New Jersey will elect a governor, we will either end up with a governor for the history books or a corrupt idiot with no significant political experience and a history of corruption miles long. We will either end up with a governor who will pull us out of our economic slump or one who puts the final nail in the coffin of our state. I expect every one of you to get out and vote if you're registered in New Jersey. I implore you make the right decision. We need Jon Corzine now more than ever, he's proven himself in the Senate and, regardless of what his bitter ex-wife says, he will make this state proud.

And lest we forget, while the Republicans make a big deal out of George Norcross, Forrester is their Norcross. And while Norcross has never held, or been nominated for, a major state office, the Republicans have nominated their Norcross for governor.

This race scares me more than any other, because it's so close and because it means so much for this state and for my family. I wasn't even this worried on the eve of the Presidential election. I knew that no matter what, at least I lived in a state where the government would do its best to protect me from the Republicans. If Forrester wins we have nowhere to hide. He will destroy every protection afforded the poor, elderly and disabled. He will do to our state what Dubya has done to the nation.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Damn weather...


I hate tornadoes.

Seems the weather's been really bad this year, worse than normal, anybody want to guess why that is? *cough*globalwarming*cough*

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Blatant Political Games, DeLay edition...


This is how desperate DeLay is. He's putting on this circus, trying to drag Earle through the mud even more, to try to save his own ass. Sadly, it will probably work.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My How the Mighty have Fallen...


God, I wish I could believe this will amount to anything. Then again, a year ago even this was a dream given the highly partisan makeup of Congress and the Government. It's a miracle it's gotten this far. Hopefully in a year we'll be talking about how well poor Tom's doing in Federal Prison.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

His own people won't even bail him out...


Wow, just wow. I thought for sure the true believers (and those who would have us believe they're true believers) would be good for at least a couple thousand. They could at least contribute that much to the guy they seem to think can do no wrong and the war they think is so great. But I guess even they realize that this war is a colossal failure and a really bad investment.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I So Predicted This...


Big surprise. I know I can't prove it but I did predict this when I saw this commercial. The worst part is they couldn't even find Republicans with clean records to pretend to be Democrats to smear Corzine, they had to get someone who was fired for corruption to star in their commercial about ending corruption.

I guess it makes sense though. Who better than a corrupt former public servant to star in a commercial about another corrupt former public servant claiming he's going to end corruption in public service.

Too bad the media won't touch it, I'd like to see it on the front page of the Courier Post and every other decent newspaper in this state.

I'd imagine all the other "Democrats" in that commercial similarly changed their party affiliations recently so they could smear Corzine. I hope somebody keeps an eye on how many just happen to change their affiliations back to Republican after the election.

Bush's Folly...


Who is going to want to donate to Bush's failed reconstruction of Iraq? Everybody knows where that money is going to go. It's going to go to enriching a few Bush cronies (especially Halliburton). There's not going to be a bit of oversight on how that money gets spent. The majority of it will be wasted and at the end of the day nothing will be different.

It would be one thing if the money was going to go to helping the Iraqi people. None of this is their fault and they deserve to get their country back. But no matter how much people give it's not going to help the Iraqi people one bit. It's just going to go to enriching a few well connected Iraqis and a lot of already rich Americans.

Besides, the average American citizen (especially the poor), already pay way too much money towards the reconstruction by virtue of the taxes we pay. Why should we have to dig deeper to finance Bush's folly.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The savior of New Jersey politics, yeah right...


And this is the guy they think is going to "clean up" New Jersey politics? Don't make me laugh. He'll just make sure the money goes to his friends. He's one of the people who has benefited from no-bid contracts. How can the Republicans now claim he's going to clean up the system that's benefited him all these years?

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Media Double Standard...


This speaks volumes about the way things work with the SCLM (So-Called Liberal Media) when it comes to missing women (if you're not white don't even try getting any national media attention when you turn up missing).

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Atom feed...

I've just added a syndication feed to this blog so if you just can't get enough of my political ramblings (and occasional other stuff) you can always syndicate seanfromnj to your preferred reader.

You can find it here.

I'm going to wait on this one...


I'm loath to believe anything that comes out of Forrester's mouth so I'm going to wait on this one before passing judgement. I'd like to see the numbers on the risks located in the different Democratic controlled municipalities as opposed to the Republican ones. I'd bet you'd find that many of the places with huge risks located there (like Camden with all its infrastructure and landmarks) are Democratic controlled while many of the Republican controlled places are one stop light and a gas station. But I could be wrong.

If Doug Forrester had his way I think every Democrat in the state would be resigning, at least that's how it seems to me. Every day he seems to be calling for another Democratic official to resign, it's all just an attempt to trap Corzine by creating a faux scandal where none exists. Hopefully the people of New Jersey will see through his blatant attempts to drum up controversy and see Forrester has no plans for this state other than destroying Property Tax Relief and bankrupting the state treasury (he wants to do to New Jersey what his buddy Dubya did to America).

Catching up...

Just catching up, it's been so long since I've posted anything...

First K Street, then MLB, then the world...


Fresh from the subjugation of K Street to the Republican's whims, now they're trying to ensure that Major League Baseball only allows those who contribute sufficiently to Republicans to buy teams. What's next? Demanding corporations only hire CEOs who have donated enough money to the Republican Party? You never saw this blind ambition, this ruthless power grabbing, when Democrats controlled things. There were times when they could have brought the entire apparatus under their control but they didn't.

Those Republicans, eternal optimists...


Never let it be said the Republicans don't know how to look on the sunny side of things. They look at a tragedy and all they see is the profits they'll make off of others' misery.

Who'd have thought, a non-political post...


I've heard both sides on this one but I seriously think Moorestown was a good choice. One of my co-workers suggested that it was odd that Moorestown is the best place to live and Camden, just five or so miles down Rt. 38, is the most dangerous city in the country. But if you lived in Moorestown (which I don't) you'd know that it might as well be on a different planet from Camden.

It's about time New Jersey was known for something good. Moorestown is a great community. It has a church for pretty much any political affiliation you could ever need (it even has a Quaker meeting house, two Friends schools and a Friend's retirement home all just on Main Street). It has a huge mall on the outskirts of town but it also has a lot of small businesses that give the town character.

Main Street is another feature that makes Moorestown so great. It's such a nice little community street. I was walking up it today and it's really what you'd hope to find in any small town in America. We went to get my Mom a pair of shoes at Carl's (a local institution for decades). The building they were in for years burned down recently and PNC Bank was nice enough to lend them some space in its branch a few doors down so they can continue operating until their new building is built on the same location as the old one. They'll probably be in that new building for decades to come.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I just got back from voting in the primary election. There really wasn't too much choice on the Democratic side. Jon Corzine is the only serious contender for Governor and each of the other local ballots were uncontested (three people running but you had to pick three for instance). I still thought I'd exercise my duty as a member of the Party and give my two cents. And I wanted to show my support for Corzine since I know he's the best choice for Governor.

I'm sure turnout was much higher for the Republicans. They have seven people running for the chance to destroy this state with their red state politics and anti-poor policies.

Primary Night...

Today (Tuesday) is the primary in New Jersey. The Dems already know who our candidate is going to be but I'm still going to vote to show my support for Jon Corzine. The Republican side has seven candidates so it's not as easy to say who is going to win. No matter who wins though I'm not going to want them to win the Governorship. None of them are qualified for the job.

I really wish I could go to the primary night party for Corzine but I'm way too far south to even think of going (plus I'm working til 10:30 tomorrow night.) Anybody else who reads this in NJ. Is there anyone who reads this from NJ? Is there anyone who reads this at all? Anyway, you can go here to RSVP if you are so inclined. It's sure to be a fun night.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Next Third in Line in Al Quaeda, or Something...


Who wants to bet this guy's actually the janitor or something? How many third in commands can one organization have?

The Future of the Republican Party...


Oh God, even if it's not a thinly veiled tribute to Nazism, it's still talking about torturing and murdering your ideological opponents. And this is the future of the Republican Party.

And they complain when someone with no connection to the Dems in power throws a pie at Ann Coulter? This isn't just some whacko fringe, these people will assume positions of power in the Republican Party (some in attendance already hold those positions).

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Monday, April 25, 2005

He's Our Leader...


Go Harry Reid. This is exactly what we need to do. Don't back down. Don't give them an out. Take their words and hang 'em with them.

Message Control...


Somebody needs to pull Joe Biden aside and give him a good talking to. And while they're at it they might want to inform him that when you have your opponent's ass to the fire, you don't throw him a fire extinguisher.

If a Republican did anything like this he'd have been dealt with by now. No doubt Christopher Shays is enjoying his all expenses paid trip to the GOP Reeducation Camps as we speak.

Democrats need to stop trying to appear cooperative. The Republicans idea of bipartisan is "we get everything we want and you get to go home and tell your constituents how bipartisan you are while we go on Hannityand Colmes and call you a retard. And when you run for reelection we'll still run attack ads pointing out the one time you voted against us and calling you a partisan obstructionist."

The Dems are starting to remind me of the nerdy kid on the playground who tried his hardest to look cool so the bullies wouldn't beat him up. In the end he was still getting his head dunked in the toilet and the bullies were just having an extra laugh about how pathetic he was while they were doing it.

The Joe Liebermans and other assorted DLCers need to remember that it's not the Republicans bankrolling their campaigns. No matter how far right Joe goes, the Republicans are still going to run someone against him come election time and they'll just laugh harder at him in the meantime.

I'm not saying we should be as fascist about message control as the Republicans are, everyone's got a right to their opinion, but we have to keep it in control or we're going to continue to lose everything. We have the Republicans in the worst position they've been in in decades as far as public opinion goes and there are far too many Dems who seem all too willing to throw them a life preserver.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Purge continues...


This would be front page news if Clinton had done it, and rightly so. They'd already be warming up the impeachment process and thawing out Rehnquist. But since Bush did it the SCLM will completely ignore it.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

The cover of Time...


Are they putting just anyone on the cover of Time now? I mean really, Ann Coulter? Was Tom DeLay busy? Did Bill O'Reilly put them on hold? Was Rush too big to fit in the frame? These are questions that need to be answered. Certainly they could have found a female conservative who isn't, shall we say, nuts. They must exist somewhere.

And who are these guys who supposedly make up her legion of salivating fans? Maybe 20 years ago. Now she's just one of those too thin, too old, women holding on to that last sliver of youth and failing at it.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Problem fixed...I hope...

I think I just fixed a problem with HaloScan as far as showing up on the post specific pages. Let me know if anything's messed up.

C-SPAN keeps digging the hole depper...


This story just gets weirder and weirder. C-SPAN should have just admitted they were wrong and allowed Lipstadt to come on and discuss her book as every other author gets to do. There's no reason to invite someone on who is obviously wrong just to offer "balance". It's certainly unacceptable to then, when people start complaining about the holocaust denier, uninvite both of them and invite a journalist with only a rudimentary understanding of the book to talk instead of the author. The guy they invited, T.R. Reid, hasn't even read the book. He didn't even seem to do a very good job of covering the trial.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I just updated my blogroll with all of the blogs I read on a regular basis. I also added some links to media sources and some other links to things I like.

Darfur Accountability Act...


The genocide in Darfur is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. All acts of genocide affect me greatly, as do all crimes against humanity. It makes one feel powerless to know things like this continue to go on.

I just wrote a letter to the editor to the dinky little local paper (The Burlington County Times) about this bill (the Darfur Accountability Act). I wish I had saved it so I could post it here, if it gets published I'll be sure to post it here.

EDIT: I also sent it to the Courier Post as a different version. Here's the version I sent to the Courier Post:

As we prepare to observe Holocaust Remembrance Week, we must not forget that acts of genocide continue to occur around the world. Senator Jon Corzine is sponsoring the Darfur Accountability Act. We must stand behind Congress, and Senator Corzine, as they work to prevent crimes against humanity. In the past, the international community has ignored acts of genocide causing needless suffering and continued bloodshed. The Bush Administration must make ending crimes against humanity a priority. We must not allow history to continue to repeat itself. Eleven years ago the world ignored the genocide in Rwanda because we did not want to get involved. We must not stand idly by as people die in Sudan. Please support Jon Corzine as he works to prevent future crimes against humanity.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I just added HaloScan to my blog. Thanks Daniel for the suggestion.

EDIT: Or at least I thought I did...

EDIT2: Ok, I think I fixed it. Somebody comment so I can check it out. Unfortunately it deleted all my previous comments (all 2 of them).

Monday, April 04, 2005

I wonder if he ever made an unpopular decision as a judge...


How would Cornyn have felt if he came under physical attack for his decisions when he was a judge? Has he forgotten the circumstances surrounding the cases? The one guy was accused of rape, hardly a political case. The other guy was suing doctors for malpractice or something, again, hardly political. These weren't disgruntled right-wingers taking out their frustration on members of the judiciary. They were people who decided to take the law into their own hands when they didn't like the way their cases turned out.

And since when is the judiciary an "enforcer" for Congress?

The Kentucky Democrat

Welcome Daniel, The Kentucky Democrat, as the first member of my blogroll. It's that little list over there to the right. Hopefully it will grow large as this blog grows.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

First Post...


I love this guy, I'm so glad he's my Senator. New Jersey has seriously got two of the best Senators in the nation. The other one (Corzine) is going to be the next Governor of New Jersey, I'm really hoping I can get involved in a meaningful way in his campaign.