Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Bush's Folly...


Who is going to want to donate to Bush's failed reconstruction of Iraq? Everybody knows where that money is going to go. It's going to go to enriching a few Bush cronies (especially Halliburton). There's not going to be a bit of oversight on how that money gets spent. The majority of it will be wasted and at the end of the day nothing will be different.

It would be one thing if the money was going to go to helping the Iraqi people. None of this is their fault and they deserve to get their country back. But no matter how much people give it's not going to help the Iraqi people one bit. It's just going to go to enriching a few well connected Iraqis and a lot of already rich Americans.

Besides, the average American citizen (especially the poor), already pay way too much money towards the reconstruction by virtue of the taxes we pay. Why should we have to dig deeper to finance Bush's folly.