Wednesday, September 28, 2005

My How the Mighty have Fallen...

God, I wish I could believe this will amount to anything. Then again, a year ago even this was a dream given the highly partisan makeup of Congress and the Government. It's a miracle it's gotten this far. Hopefully in a year we'll be talking about how well poor Tom's doing in Federal Prison.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

His own people won't even bail him out...

Wow, just wow. I thought for sure the true believers (and those who would have us believe they're true believers) would be good for at least a couple thousand. They could at least contribute that much to the guy they seem to think can do no wrong and the war they think is so great. But I guess even they realize that this war is a colossal failure and a really bad investment.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I So Predicted This...

Big surprise. I know I can't prove it but I did predict this when I saw this commercial. The worst part is they couldn't even find Republicans with clean records to pretend to be Democrats to smear Corzine, they had to get someone who was fired for corruption to star in their commercial about ending corruption.

I guess it makes sense though. Who better than a corrupt former public servant to star in a commercial about another corrupt former public servant claiming he's going to end corruption in public service.

Too bad the media won't touch it, I'd like to see it on the front page of the Courier Post and every other decent newspaper in this state.

I'd imagine all the other "Democrats" in that commercial similarly changed their party affiliations recently so they could smear Corzine. I hope somebody keeps an eye on how many just happen to change their affiliations back to Republican after the election.

Bush's Folly...

Who is going to want to donate to Bush's failed reconstruction of Iraq? Everybody knows where that money is going to go. It's going to go to enriching a few Bush cronies (especially Halliburton). There's not going to be a bit of oversight on how that money gets spent. The majority of it will be wasted and at the end of the day nothing will be different.

It would be one thing if the money was going to go to helping the Iraqi people. None of this is their fault and they deserve to get their country back. But no matter how much people give it's not going to help the Iraqi people one bit. It's just going to go to enriching a few well connected Iraqis and a lot of already rich Americans.

Besides, the average American citizen (especially the poor), already pay way too much money towards the reconstruction by virtue of the taxes we pay. Why should we have to dig deeper to finance Bush's folly.