Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I So Predicted This...


Big surprise. I know I can't prove it but I did predict this when I saw this commercial. The worst part is they couldn't even find Republicans with clean records to pretend to be Democrats to smear Corzine, they had to get someone who was fired for corruption to star in their commercial about ending corruption.

I guess it makes sense though. Who better than a corrupt former public servant to star in a commercial about another corrupt former public servant claiming he's going to end corruption in public service.

Too bad the media won't touch it, I'd like to see it on the front page of the Courier Post and every other decent newspaper in this state.

I'd imagine all the other "Democrats" in that commercial similarly changed their party affiliations recently so they could smear Corzine. I hope somebody keeps an eye on how many just happen to change their affiliations back to Republican after the election.