Monday, August 13, 2007

The McCain Campaign is Officially on Life Support...

Somehow I doubt he would be saying this if he wasn't completely embarrassed by the results.

Bush's Brain Leaves the White House...

Wow, I must say this was a surprise. I'm really curious what must have happened to lead Rove to quit. There must be something big we don't know about yet.

Friday, August 10, 2007,9171,1649312,00.html

Perhaps the overwhelming support for the war among Americans has something to do with the fact that all the major newspapers and news networks came out in complete support of the war (and many haven't changed their line even now). Americans had come to trust our news media (based on the fact that the media actually used to be trustworthy). Most Americans didn't realize that the reporters they went to for their news knew nothing about what they were reporting on or were in the employ of the very people trying to trick them. Now that Americans are coming to realize that the media is full of shit, the numbers in support of the war have gone down. Make no mistake though, just because Americans were fooled by a duplicitous and willfully ignorant media doesn't mean they have anything to apologize for.

even though it is more responsible than any pundit for U.S. policy in Iraq.

This is bullshit. The government has not listened to the actual desires of the people for a very long time. They would have gone to war with Iraq even if the approval numbers were in the low 20s.

This is not all the fault of the pundits or of "Washington" or of politicians. Bush's decision to go to war in Iraq was scandalously unilateral, but it did in fact have the support of most American citizens, which surely egged him on.

I think the author has a problem with cause and effect. Bush was going to go into Iraq whether the American people wanted it or not (which is illustrated by the fact that he's not going to leave Iraq no matter how much the American people want him to). They manufactured support for the war in much the same way toy companies manufacture demand for their products by advertising during children's programming. They bombarded us with positive reporting about the war while completely ignoring and ostracizing those who said we shouldn't go to war. It's no wonder the support was there, there wasn't a single dissenting voice anywhere to be found in the media.

The ensuing disaster is partly the fault of those Americans who told pollsters back in 2002 and 2003 that they supported Bush's war and then in 2004 voted to re-elect him, which he took, quite reasonably, as an endorsement of his policies.

Blaming the victim is a common tactic of the victimizer. The American public was brow-beaten into supporting the war by non-stop pro-war coverage. The American public was deceived into voting for Bush by constant jabs in the media at John Kerry. To suggest otherwise is to diminish the significant effort that was put into creating this result by the media and the Republican Party.

Millions of Americans now apparently regret those opinions.

Because there's finally a voice, albeit quiet, telling them the truth about the war.

But unlike the politicians and the pundits, they do not face pressure to recant or apologize. American democracy might be stronger if they did.

Try as they may to shift blame upon the citizenry, the media will carry the blame for this 'til the end of time. They can't push that blame onto anyone else.

Are you serious?...

Wow, and they say Democrats want the terrorists to win.

The problem with this is that Americans won't come together. They will fall behind Bush just like they did after 9/11 because they're scared out of their minds. Which, I think, is what the author actually wants.

Another 9/11 will not trigger a great rush by both sides towards each other meeting nicely in the middle. It will involve the Republicans blaming everything on the Democrats, the Democrats being demonized in the media and the abolishment of the Constitution.

Forget about the '08 election, we'll be lucky if we ever see another election ever again. Bush will declare, much as Rudy Guiliani did after 9/11, that things are just too volatile for an election and will proclaim that out of the kindness of his heart he will stay on just a little bit longer to lead America through this trouble. Unlike Rudy, Bush will conveniently forget to reschedule the election.

It is not Bush and it is not Hillary and it is not Daily Kos or Bill O'Reilly or Giuliani or Barack. It is global terrorists who use Islam to justify their hideous sins, including blowing up women and children.

Funny, because Hillary and Obama will definitely be labeled the enemy if we are ever attacked again. Daily Kos will most likely disappear into some sort of American Gulag.

Most Americans today believe Iraq was a mistake. Why?

Maybe because it was?

Not because Americans are "anti-war."

No, we're not anti well thought out and executed war.

Americans have turned their backs because the war has dragged on too long and we don't have the patience for a long slog.

Untrue, we'd be quite happy to support a war if we actually thought it was a good war and was going to accomplish something. Trying to blame Americans for this by claiming that we're fickle and impatient is stupid.

Americans loved the 1991 Gulf War. It raged for just 100 hours when George H.W. Bush ended it with a declaration of victory. He sent a half-million troops into harm's way and we suffered fewer than 300 deaths.

Americans "loved" the first Iraq War because the media sold it to us non-stop while all dissenting voices were silenced (sound familiar?) and it was over before we could really think about it.

Only someone who's never served in the military, or loved someone who has, can call fewer than 300 deaths a good thing.

America likes wars shorter than the World Series.

America likes wars that are actually fought for good reasons and accomplish something other than bringing down our entire country.

Bush I did everything right, Bush II did everything wrong - but he did it with the backing of Congress.

Only because they were threatened and lied to every step of the way. This war belongs entirely to Bush and those, like the author, who were such ardent cheerleaders in the run up to the war.

Remember the community of outrage and national resolve? America had not been so united since the first Day of Infamy - 12/7/41.

We knew who the enemy was then.

We knew who the enemy was shortly after 9/11.

Yeah, judging by the media coverage the enemy after 9/11 were the Democrats. We didn't come together quite as much as we completely fell over the cliff and begged Bush to destroy our country so we could feel safe again. That we recovered doesn't mean we can't easily fall off again.

Because we have mislaid 9/11, we have endless sideshow squabbles about whether the surge is working,

Oh yes, who cares whether our soldiers are being launched at a brick wall when we can stare lovingly at our personal picture of President Bush?

if we are "safer" now,

Perish the thought. Who cares if our 6 year "war on terror" has actually accomplished something. Why, that might illustrate that Bush has been an absolute failure.

whether the FBI should listen in on foreign phone calls,

To hell with civil liberties.

whether cops should detain odd-acting "flying imams,"

How dare they fly while muslim?

What would sew us back together?

Another 9/11 attack.

Would the author volunteer to be a victim of this attack because I know I won't. He seems to forget that people die in these sorts of attacks, or maybe he didn't forget.

If it is to be, then let it be. It will take another attack on the homeland to quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America's righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail.

Yes, let's have another Reichstag fire...uh...I mean 9/11 so we can all rally behind our glorious leader with his manly codpiece and drink the blood of our enemies. To hell with Democracy when we can have a dictatorship.

The unity brought by such an attack sadly won't last forever.

The first 9/11 proved that.

Again, the unity we felt after 9/11 had nothing to do with genuinely warm feelings for our fellow Americans (Republicans aren't exactly full of love for New York City and Northern Virginia which are both highly liberal areas). It had everything to do with taking a huge rightward turn while the country cowered and essentially gave Bush unlimited powers to do whatever he wanted. It was a unity where most Americans forgot that Bush was an idiot and allowed him to run amok like a bull in a chinashop.

That America eventually regained its composure only proves that Americans are not as dumb as some people (like Stu) think.