Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Primary Night...

Today (Tuesday) is the primary in New Jersey. The Dems already know who our candidate is going to be but I'm still going to vote to show my support for Jon Corzine. The Republican side has seven candidates so it's not as easy to say who is going to win. No matter who wins though I'm not going to want them to win the Governorship. None of them are qualified for the job.

I really wish I could go to the primary night party for Corzine but I'm way too far south to even think of going (plus I'm working til 10:30 tomorrow night.) Anybody else who reads this in NJ. Is there anyone who reads this from NJ? Is there anyone who reads this at all? Anyway, you can go here to RSVP if you are so inclined. It's sure to be a fun night.
