Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Darfur Accountability Act...

The genocide in Darfur is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. All acts of genocide affect me greatly, as do all crimes against humanity. It makes one feel powerless to know things like this continue to go on.

I just wrote a letter to the editor to the dinky little local paper (The Burlington County Times) about this bill (the Darfur Accountability Act). I wish I had saved it so I could post it here, if it gets published I'll be sure to post it here.

EDIT: I also sent it to the Courier Post as a different version. Here's the version I sent to the Courier Post:

As we prepare to observe Holocaust Remembrance Week, we must not forget that acts of genocide continue to occur around the world. Senator Jon Corzine is sponsoring the Darfur Accountability Act. We must stand behind Congress, and Senator Corzine, as they work to prevent crimes against humanity. In the past, the international community has ignored acts of genocide causing needless suffering and continued bloodshed. The Bush Administration must make ending crimes against humanity a priority. We must not allow history to continue to repeat itself. Eleven years ago the world ignored the genocide in Rwanda because we did not want to get involved. We must not stand idly by as people die in Sudan. Please support Jon Corzine as he works to prevent future crimes against humanity.