Friday, October 03, 2008

More Unfunny Conservative "Comedy"...

The problem with right-wing comedy is that it concentrates far too much on being vindictive and far too little on being funny. I imagine this movie will be one big "Michael Moore is fat and ugly" joke without any real laughs. The same thing happened when Fox and one of the guys behind 24 tried to make a conservative answer to the Daily Show. It bombed almost immediately and even Fox News had to admit it was a failure and cancel it. The problem is that while a conservative Daily Show would be non-stop partisan attacks and lies, the Daily Show isn't like that from a liberal perspective. John McCain is one of the most frequent guests on the Daily Show, can anyone imagine the same being true of Hillary Clinton on the conservative show? Conservatives have proven themselves to be absolutely without a sense of humor, even Dennis Miller went way downhill once he started openly kissing George W. Bush's ass.

The movie features pretty much every conservative actor in Hollywood (Kelsey Grammer, Jon Voight, Dennis Hopper, what? Was Patricia Heaton busy?) None of these people are hurting for work (except maybe for Chris Farley's unfunny brother) which shows that their "Hollywood hates conservatives and punishes them" bullshit is a complete lie.

In the version of the film screened for this story, Gary Coleman cameos in said scene as a car-washing plantation slave who calls out to an off-camera colleague named Barack. When asked about the reference, Zucker, who co-wrote the film with Myrna Sokoloff and Lewis Friedman, revealed it will be left on the cutting room floor.

This makes me absolutely livid. I don't care if they eventually took it out, it's absurd they even thought this would be appropriate. The excuse they gave for taking it out is even more absurd. They should have taken it out because it's racist, not because of some silly excuse about the Afghan and Iraq wars.

As Michael Moore said "I hope it's funny". I'm not holding my breath.