Thursday, October 16, 2008


If he's such a humble guy, and doesn't want the candidates to pay attention to him, why did he start this? At the best he chose to go to Obama's campaign stop to ambush him, at the worst he was hired by the McCain campaign/Fox News to ambush Obama. Either way he consciously put himself out there. What did he think would happen. Now people are starting to look into his background, which is completely appropriate, and what they're finding is very telling. At first people thought he wasn't registered to vote because his name is misspelled on his registration. If McCain had his way this would prevent him from voting at all since his id wouldn't match his registration. He's behind on his state taxes. He's not a registered plumber even though he represents himself as a plumber and claims he wants to buy a plumbing business. He himself said later that he doesn't really have any sort of coherent plan to buy the company and that he doesn't currently make anywhere near the $250,000 tax limit. He's also admitted that the $250,000 to $280,000 number he mentioned was how much he plans to pay for the company, not how much he will be making as owner. Even though he represents himself as an undecided voter, he is a registered Republican who voted for McCain in the primary and went on Fox News to slam Obama. It doesn't sound like he's undecided to me.