Monday, September 08, 2008

If Only...,2933,417601,00.html

Who wants a cold war? Well, the Heritage Foundation for one. They get a big hard on when the word war is mentioned. I think they probably have to leave the room when someone starts talking about War-ren G. Harding.

I would love it if our country had the moral high ground to denounce what Russia's doing, but we don't. We invaded Iraq for manufactured reasons before they invaded Georgia for manufactured reasons. We supported the illegal move of Kosovo leaving Serbia before they supported the illegal move of S. Ossetia and Abkhazia leaving Georgia. We have no room to speak. If we hadn't done what we did, it's entirely possible Russia wouldn't be doing what they're doing because if we had obeyed International Law, Russia wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

We're going to have a really hard time solving this problem because most of Europe is essentially being held hostage by Russia for the oil they need and the US, the only country with the will to do anything, is rendered impotent due to our hypocrisy.

Man, if only there was some point in history where we could look to see where we went wrong...oh, wait...there is. If we hadn't elected Bush and his fuckwit moron brigade all this could have been avoided (except maybe for the Kosovo thing because even the Dems were a bit pollyannish about that). Too bad nobody listened to those of us who foresaw this.