Sunday, October 22, 2006

I'm Rick Santorum and I approve this message...

Oh well, when you put it that way, who wouldn't vote for the guy? Forget for a minute that he equated gay sex to men molesting dogs. Forget for a minute that he did say that women shouldn't work if they have kids. Forget for a minute that he's militantly anti-women's rights. None of that matters because he loves his kids and happens to agree with Bono on something. Why don't we just nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize and call him the next Jimmy freaking Carter? Because we all know that Bono is the only voice for liberals and we all must walk in lock step with his every proclamation.

Rather than view his zeal for confronting the most controversial issues of the day as refreshing or even admirable for an elected official, critics see a cheeky ideologue.

Oh yes, so great that he likes to confront controversial issues. So admirable that he considers it his honor to champion government discrimination against gays and workplace and legal discrimination against women. So refreshing that he doesn't feel the need to hide his bigotry and instead wears it as a badge of honor. You know who else had a zeal for confronting controversial issues, Hitler. Maybe the Inquirer could run a piece on him pointing out his love of painting.

This is the stupidest, most useless, piece of fluff campaign press release I've ever seen in a reputable newspaper. We're already starting to see the fruits of the paper falling into the hands of far right-wing Republican operatives.

The fact of the matter is that the "republican revolution" is over. The party has defaulted on the "Contract with America" (or was it the Contract on America?) The "revolution" has been destroyed by greed and corruption. They have become everything they wrongly accused the Democrats of being in 94 and oh so much more. They've consolidated power to an extent never before seen in the modern history of this country.

No mention is ever made that part of the Contract with America was term limits. They promised they'd take two terms (six terms for Representatives) and then leave peacefully, yet it's been 12 years and they're running for re-election.

I wonder if they'll do a similar fluff piece on Casey, somehow I doubt it.

And just for comparision, here is the piece on Casey:

He's just there because he's his father's son. He's "bland", boring, unforceful. Unlike Santorum the rockstar.

He's only notable for not being Rick Santorum as if he doesn't have any selling points of his own.

People are only voting for him because he's not Santorum. Somehow he both won an election with the most votes ever in Pennsylvania and simultaneously enjoys the lowest name recognition ever.

A victory also would be a vindication of sorts for Casey's father, who famously was shunned for his antiabortion views, banned from speaking at the 1992 Democratic convention.

Ok seriously, Shut The HELL Up about Casey's father. He was NOT shunned for being anti-abortion. It DID NOT HAPPEN. He was shunned because he refused to endorse the Democratic candidate for President, Bill Clinton. Bottom line. What's next, a mention of Gore claiming to have invented the internet? Clinton having Vince Foster murdered?