Saturday, September 09, 2006


I don't know how I feel about this. On the one hand, the illegal immigrant situation has become a huge problem in Riverside in the past 10 years. They are causing a great strain on township services and a lot of people are understandably pissed off about it. On the other hand, the supporters of the law don't exactly do themselves any favors by acting like assholes in a public setting.

"This is not Ricki Lake or Jerry Springer," township Solicitor Douglas Heinold told the crowd as the pro-ordinance attendees shouted down anyone who objected to the ordinance.

Resident Steve Edwards led a "Go back, go back" chant as he pointed to several rows of Latino residents who had come to voice their displeasure with the ordinance.

"If you need help rounding them up, I'll be ready tonight. I'll go visit them tonight," Edwards said of the illegal immigrants living in the township.

This kind of activity doesn't make me want to take your side in any argument. That last quote is a threat of violence and the police should seriously considering following him to make sure he doesn't kill somebody. Besides, I doubt he's going to be checking papers so what's to stop him from accidentally rounding up a legal resident...or does he think that anyone hispanic should be deported regardless of their immigration status?