Friday, June 05, 2009


Wow, Steele is really worried about keeping his jobs. He's a real hero for standing up for the downtrodden white male. They're such a persecuted group. Give me a break.

So I guess if a white male is in mortal danger by going before Justice Sotomayor, then minority women are at an equal amount of peril going before the four Catholic male, and three white Catholic male, justices...oh wait, I guess they are. This argument that Sotomayor will side against white males just because she's a Hispanic female is racist, sexist and just plain stupid. Nobody argues that white male judges can't make decisions affecting other groups and yet they make that argument all the time about minorities and females (at least liberal ones, conservatives like Thomas get a pass from the establishment).

I wonder if Steele is equally concerned about non-immigrant minorities chances against Samuel Alito given this?