Saturday, March 22, 2008

Clintonistas go apoplectic over Richardson endorsement...

Man, I have all the respect in the world for President Clinton and all he accomplished, though he could have done far more if he hadn't spent half his time kissing up to the Republicans and the DLC, but the Clintons and their people are seriously flawed human beings. I mean, totally fucked in the head. There is something deeply wrong with them. In this regard they're really no better than Bush or Karl Rove.

"An act of betrayal," said James Carville, an adviser to Mrs. Clinton and a friend of Mr. Clinton.

How dare he decide Obama is a better choice? Doesn't he know his place? Clinton spent a lot of time doing things for Richardson with the expectation that Richardson would do something for him in the future. Hasn't Bill Richardson ever seen the Godfather?

"Mr. Richardson’s endorsement came right around the anniversary of the day when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic," Mr. Carville said, referring to Holy Week.

Pure crazy gold. So now, all of a sudden, endorsing someone else is akin to selling someone out to be executed in one of the most gruesome and prolonged ways possible. These guys are good.

...Mark Penn, played down the importance of the Richardson endorsement, suggesting that the time "when it could have been effective has long since passed."

I doubt he'd be saying that if Richardson had endorsed Hillary. But of course all the Clinton people seem to be truth challenged so I guess it's not a surprise. Just say it Mark, you're jealous. You joined the wrong campaign and now you're bitter because Obama's kicking your ass.

Mr. Richardson said he was dispirited by the tone of the Democratic nominating fight, reflecting a sentiment that has been increasingly voiced by party leaders. Unlike many others, though, Mr. Richardson placed the blame on Mrs. Clinton.

Who is blaming Obama? The blame falls quite clearly at the feet of Hillary and her campaign. Who created the 3am ad? Who endorsed McCain over her Democratic opponent? Who has been trying her hardest to destroy any chances of Obama winning should he be the nominee?

Mr. Richardson was still wearing the beard that he grew during what he called a period of decompression after leaving the presidential race.

Is this some sort of rule now? You have to grow a beard when you leave the Presidential race? First Gore and now Richardson, what will Hillary do?