Saturday, February 11, 2006

Wow, Republican hypocrisy, who knew?...

Wow, you'd think after awhile all the hypocrisy and lying from the Republicans wouldn't surprise me so much but yet it always does. These are the people who run our country, they control all three branches of government. Starr was, and still is, a huge part of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. He wasted years and millions of taxpayer dollars pursuing a personal vendetta against Clinton for the Republicans. And the worst part is that the whole Clinton investigation was supposed to be about perjury and lying. I guess it's only a bad thing if the Democrats are doing it. I hope they nail him to the wall, Clinton lost his license to practice law in his home state and he didn't really do anything wrong other than have an affair with a consenting adult and lie about it to protect his family. If this is proven, the least that should happen is for Starr to lose his license and really that should only be the beginning. If they gain a conviction he should do hard time.