Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Impeach Joe Lieberman...

Joe Lieberman should immediately be kicked out of the Democratic caucus. I know it may cost us the Senate but I don't give a damn anymore. The man has NO scruples. He will say ANYTHING to get what he wants.

He promised the Dems that he wouldn't do this and yet he couldn't help himself. He's everything that people hate about politicians. He would sell out his own wife if he thought it would get him into the White House. He's blindly ambitious even for a politician.

He should at the very least lose every single one of his committee assignments. Maybe he can get the chairmanship of the bathroom cleaning committee. I don't care how long he's been in Congress. He's not a Democrat. His committee assignments and chairmanships are a privilege bestowed upon him by the Dems, they aren't a right. I'm sick of this shit from him. He spits in the Dems face 24/7 and yet they do nothing to him in return. There need to be consequences. He's no longer a Democrat and it's time we stopped pretending he is.

If his constituents have any brains among them they should immediately call for his recall. He was elected by a Democratic district to work with the Dems. Granted, they should have known better at the time, but how do they reconcile what he's doing now with the things he was saying at the time?