Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Double Standard...


Can you imagine the reaction if one of Obama's daughters were 17, pregnant and unmarried? (Of course Obama's daughters are much younger but just a hypothetical). How about Joe Biden's daughter? There's a double standard at work here. They're willing to forgive her pregnancy, like they were willing to forgive Larry Craig and Ted Haggard, because they need Sarah Palin. Anyone else would be thrown under the bus regardless of whether they had an abortion or not. The Catholics and the Protestants are very clear on their opinion of unwed mothers, and underage unwed mothers get even worse treatment. If Obama had a teenage daughter, and she got pregnant, she'd be called the worst names in the book. Obama would be accused of being a bad father, and Michelle would be absolutely destroyed by the same people who are now rallying behind Palin. The black community would be called to task for supposedly promoting promiscuity through rap music and absentee fathers (funny how girls far from the inner city still manage to get pregnant). Bottom line, they are falling behind Palin because they want her to give them what they want, not because they actually have any compassion for unwed mothers who choose to take the pregnancy to term.