This is some weak shit. Certainly not as bad as some of the things the Republicans and the media have been saying about the Obamas (he's a secret Muslim with designs on destroying the country, he doesn't say the Pledge of Allegiance because he hates America, etc...). Most of this stuff, if it's even been said at all, is being said by whackos on the fringe. The mainstream media, on the other hand, is spreading the lies about Obama which makes them much worse.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been subjected to an intense amount of media and public scrutiny since she was named as John McCain’s vice presidential pick one week ago.
That'll happen when you run for Vice President. What, did she expect them to ignore her? The fact that she was completely unknown could explain why the media needs to dig up some information on her.
Many of the attacks have come in the form of unconfirmed reports on the Internet.
And, of course, Fox has also been diligent in digging up and exposing unconfirmed reports on the internet about other people like...oh, I don't know...Barack Obama?
1) Palin “Joined a Secessionist Political Party”
Her husband was a member. She addressed their meeting. Imagine for a second if Michele Obama was a member of the SLA or the Black Panthers and Obama had addressed their meeting? Do you think Fox would be cool with that?
2) Palin Supported a “Nazi Sympathizer”
I've never heard anyone say that Pat Buchanan was a "Nazi sympathizer", though a case could probably be made. What they've said is that he's anti-Semitic. That's beyond debate as far as I'm concerned. He is anti-Semitic. If Obama so much as appeared on the same stage as Jimmy Carter the right-wing (and Fox) would have a hissy fit and Carter's not even a true anti-Semite.
3) Palin “Wants Creationism Taught in School”
One is not a maverick just because they favor teaching both creationism and evolution. It would be like teaching math and then teaching Bubba's special math along side it and telling kids that both have their merits. Creationism shouldn't be taught in public schools, any other opinion is extremism.
4) Palin “Was Nearly Recalled” While Mayor
Palin was almost recalled but as far as I know it was because she fired the librarian, not for firing the police chief (man, this woman loves to fire people). Just because the court found that she had a right to fire the librarian or the police chief doesn't make it right and certainly doesn't mean the people can't recall her if they want.
5) Palin “Opposes Sex Education”
I don't think anyone suggested she opposes all sex education in schools, abstinence only is after all technically sex education, though I wouldn't say it's very educational.
6) “This Picture Proves Palin is …”
The bikini gun photo was an obvious photoshop. I haven't seen any liberal bloggers use it for anything other than humor value. It's not like it's inaccurate though. She was a beauty pageant contestant and she likes to kill things with guns. I'd say it's a pretty good encapsulation of her personality.
7) Palin is the grandmother, and not the mother, of Trig Palin
This was directly caused by the cover-up of her daughter's pregnancy. It's not the fault of the bloggers that the truth was hidden from the media causing people to make incorrect guesses. Once the truth was revealed, this rumor stopped for the most part.