This is horrible! There couldn't be more of a difference between the DNC and the RNC. From what I've heard, the police at the DNC were respectful for the most part and any police that got out of line were removed quickly from the situation. At the RNC on the other hand, the police were committing acts of horrible violence against peaceful protesters. I'm sure this is at the direct order of Bush and Cheney and their fascist friends. They can't stand protest, even peaceful protest, because they hate people who are not like them. Something has to be done about this, this isn't America.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
This is horrible! There couldn't be more of a difference between the DNC and the RNC. From what I've heard, the police at the DNC were respectful for the most part and any police that got out of line were removed quickly from the situation. At the RNC on the other hand, the police were committing acts of horrible violence against peaceful protesters. I'm sure this is at the direct order of Bush and Cheney and their fascist friends. They can't stand protest, even peaceful protest, because they hate people who are not like them. Something has to be done about this, this isn't America.
This is horrible! There couldn't be more of a difference between the DNC and the RNC. From what I've heard, the police at the DNC were respectful for the most part and any police that got out of line were removed quickly from the situation. At the RNC on the other hand, the police were committing acts of horrible violence against peaceful protesters. I'm sure this is at the direct order of Bush and Cheney and their fascist friends. They can't stand protest, even peaceful protest, because they hate people who are not like them. Something has to be done about this, this isn't America.
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