This was the point of the whole thing after all. The anti-choice movement knows exactly what it's doing. This is exactly why laws like RICO should be used to prosecute anti-choicers who move from peaceful methods towards violence. The law may have been designed to prosecute the Mafia but in a lot of ways, the anti-choice leadership is acting like the Mafia. They're using violence, and the unending threat of violence, to force legal medical providers out of business. Even the "non-violent" protesters benefit from the violent ones since those inside the clinics know all too well that any one of those people running around outside with snuff films of dead fetuses could throw a bomb or pull a gun at any moment. It makes it a bit hard to run a business.
I can't blame the family, nobody can be expected to willingly risk their life. War has been declared and the pro-choice movement is completely unprepared because we don't practice violence. The worst part is that the women who most need abortions are going to be the ones to suffer the most, women who mostly wanted to have a baby but found out late in the pregnancy that the fetus was going to die or their life was seriously threatened. These women only had 3 options and now they only have 2. Soon, it will probably be just 1 and then none as the remaining two doctors are either attacked themselves or quit out of fear for their families.
This is the very definition of terrorism. I don't see why our government, especially now that there's a pro-choice President, doesn't treat these people accordingly. Randall Terry should be stewing in Guantanamo right now and learning just how serious waterboarding really is.