Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Somebody needs to give this guy a refresher course in the left-right political spectrum because I think he's confused.

Conspiracy theorists are by and large usually right-wingers since those conspiracies usually have a healthy amount of "the government is always wrong" thrown in for good effect.

"Freeman" white supremacists are certainly not liberals. They think that non-whites should be removed from this country. They also have an unhealthy hatred/fear of the government.

Anti-Semites that think that Jews control the financial system, hate the Federal Reserve Bank, think that black people are inferior to whites and post on Free Republic to almost universal approval are not liberals.

The worst part is that this douche is using this to try to explain away the very real threat of violence from the right-wing, this episode very much included, and allow his followers (all of whom will eat this shit up) to pat themselves on the back and say "at least we're not those damn liberals shooting up museums" all the while still supporting the idiots who commit this type of violence.

Seriously though, no person with a working knowledge of politics and a working brain could possibly look at this guy's views and label him a liberal. There are plenty of whackos on the left, though our whackos are relegated to the far fringes while the right-wing ones have radio and television shows and get to meet the President, but none of what this guy did even approaches the views of those fringe radicals.