Monday, October 06, 2008

Why Have Laws If You Don't Enforce Them?...

Why do we have laws if no one is going to enforce them? If a priest gets up and suggests in his capacity as priest that someone should vote for a specific candidate he should be punished. His church should immediately lose its tax exempt status. I don't care if they mention the candidates names or just wink wink tell people who to vote for, everyone knows where the candidates stand on the issues and everyone knows what the priest is suggesting. This is a clear violation of law and no one is doing anything about it. If a liberal priest got up on the pulpit and said this the RNC would be all over their ass and they'd be right to do so. Churches enjoy a very lucrative, and wrong in my opinion, tax exemption. They make billions off of this and the only thing we ask is that they refrain from overtly using their brainwashed masses of followers as a political weapon. I don't think that's too much to ask.