Tuesday, October 21, 2008



McCain can't be serious here. Can he? He's honestly suggesting that his experience piloting a plane during the Cuban Missile Crisis equals JFK's experience during that crisis or the next President's experience in any future crisis? He's comparing sitting on a flight deck waiting for the order to drop bombs to the President having to use diplomacy to avert the crisis? As a pilot, he had no say on whether we bombed Cuba. If it had been his decision he would have probably started a nuclear war. If he had received an order to deploy nukes, he'd have been required by law to follow it. That's not a challenge for the pilot. He's trained to follow orders. There's no choice on his part, no decision to make. JFK, on the other hand, had to make the call on whether to issue the order. Comparing the experience of the man who makes the decision, and the one who follows it, is absurd.