Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Republican Whitewash of Palin begins...

Talk about whitewashing. This story barely mentions her scandal and only briefly mentions her complete lack of experience (she makes Barack Obama look like Winston Churchill) at the very end. This is what the Republicans will do. They'll pretend like she's a perfect maverick who's never had any ethical problems and somehow became an expert on foreign policy while running a state with fewer people than most large cities. She's not a game changer. Suggesting that women will vote for her just because she's a woman is far more sexist than anything Obama's campaign ever said. This is a last minute act of desperation and will probably open up more than one rift within the Republican Party (Mittens and Pawlenty aren't exactly tickled pink that they were strung along for weeks just to be thrown aside for the mayor of some podunk town in Alaska). This makes Rush Limbaugh happy, which should give pause to any actual moderates in the Republican Party, but probably ticks off far more people than it delights.