Now I wonder why a guy who reads books by Bill O'Reilly and Michael Weiner Savage would suddenly go off and murder a bunch of liberals. It's not like those two advocate murder of liberals...oh wait...they do. This kind of violent rhetoric is unfortunately all too common in conservative circles.
This bastard expected to die in a blaze of glory when the cops arrived. He didn't realize the people in the church were more than able to deal with his kind. He's going to wish he had died in that church. Somehow I don't think he's going to enjoy spending the rest of his miserable life in jail.
What jumps out at me is the bravery shown by the people there. Conservatives always claim liberals are cowards and yet these were some of the most liberal people there are. They showed a lot more bravery than most conservatives. I doubt Bill O'Reilly would have stood between a shooter and his children or family. He'd be the first under the table or out the door.