Sunday, August 31, 2008

How Convenient For Them...

Yeah, I'm sure they're skipping the convention because of this. It can't be that everyone hates them and they've been looking for an excuse for weeks to avoid going. They realized immediately that it was a bad idea for them to be anywhere near McCain but they couldn't just bow out because of what what would suggest about the state of the Party. This hurricane gives them the perfect reason. It's certainly not any concern for New Orleans, they proved years ago how they feel about that city. I just hope they learned something from Katrina because otherwise the people of New Orleans are in for another round of shit.

Mindless Pandering to the Right-Wing...

By tapping the anti-abortion and pro-gun Alaska governor just ahead of his convention, which is set to start here Monday, McCain hasn’t just won approval from a skeptical Republican base – he’s ignited a wave of elation and emotion that has led some grassroots activists to weep with joy.

Idiots. Everyone accuses Obama's supporters of being overly emotional but nobody cried when Obama chose Biden.

The media elite – as well as elite members of the GOP consulting community – have all but mocked Palin as a former smalltown mayor with zero Washington experience.

Because they actually know how to win and realize this is a shallow gimmick to snare the dumber contingent of Hillary supporters who are somehow still pissed off about Obama's nomination.

Not only is the 44-year-old governor opposed to abortion rights -- but she carried and gave birth to a child with Down syndrome earlier this year, a profound and powerful motivating force to both opponents of abortion rights and the parents and relatives of special needs children.

It's all well and good that she did this. It's also true that she's got a lot more money than the average parent of a special needs child. She doesn't have to choose between having a child with down's syndrome and feeding her other 4 children. This doesn't diminish the sacrifice that middle class parents with special needs children make nor does it diminish the choice some parents have to make when they realize they're about to have a special needs child and can't afford it.

Steve Duprey, a former New Hampshire GOP chairman and top McCain backer who hails from the moderate wing of the party, was also in the Twin Cities when the news broke.

“I was in the Rules Committee with about 150 people in the room. They had TVs set up and we took a break to watch the announcement. For a second after she came out, it was silent. Then there was a gasp and everybody stood up and started cheering and clapping. We stayed standing the whole speech.”

This woman is anything but moderate. She resides firmly in the Rush Limbaugh wing of the Republican Party. She's a constant guest on the most vile right-wing talk shows. A true member of the "moderate wing of the [Republican] party", if such a thing even still exists, wouldn't be excited about nominating a female version of Jesse Helms to the Vice Presidency. If anything this is a huge spit in the face to the moderate wing of the Republican Party since they were expecting a far more moderate choice like Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman.

“There is an electricity going through the social conservative crowd right now; it’s unbelievable,” said James Muffett, head of Michigan’s Citizens for Traditional Values, who had met with McCain in the weeks leading up to his selection of a running mate. “Especially given all the set-ups and head fakes - it’s amazing. A lot of people were sure he was going to show his more moderate colors.”

Of course not, he knows his masters in the far right-wing own him. Rush Limbaugh essentially selected the VP candidate for the Republicans this cycle and McCain really didn't have any say in the matter.

“She's one of us,” wrote Michael Bane, a prominent Colorado-based gun enthusiast who has a show on the Outdoor Channel, on his blog. “FINALLY, we can get 100% behind the Republican ticket ... change we can believe in!”

As if the past Republican VPs (and Presidents) haven't been complete pro-gun zealots. Dick Cheney not only fired guns but he shot a man in the face, showing without a doubt he exhibits one of the main principles of the NRA: the dangerous and reckless operation of firearms. It's not like the NRA has been lost in the wilderness for decades without a Party. The Republicans pander to them as much as any other stupid right-wing constituency.

And then there is the contrast: “While [Barack Obama] wants to ban AR-15s; Palin shoots AR-15s, and apparently pretty well.”

Because everyone knows how important it is in hunting to have a gun that can cut your prey in half.

“Every shooter, every hunter, every gun owner, every competitor needs to understand that it is time to, in the words of Bruce Willis, ‘cowboy the 'f...' up.’ ”


“Palin could play strong in the sporting states like Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania depending on how they use her,” he said. “Most pundits will underestimate her appeal in these key areas because they don't know her and they are unfamiliar with the sporting scene. But among sportsmen, authenticity counts and Palin's got that and then some.”

And, after all, that's what matters. Who cares if she's ready to lead the country? Who cares if she's qualified to have her finger on the button? She has a downs syndrome baby and she likes to kill things, hurray!

This just goes to show how dangerous the Republicans, and their right-wing masters, are to this country. It really doesn't matter to them that the Republicans have nominated the most shockingly unprepared VP in history. All that matters is that she hates the people they hate and that she likes to kill defenseless animals with high-powered assault rifles. What's wrong with the Republican Party? How out of step with normal American values can you get? They've gone from being wrong to being outright dangerous. No more are they just a slight annoyance, I really believe if McCain wins we may not have a country left 4 years from now. They are a dangerous cult whose only interest is gaining more power, the safety and security of this country never even registers on their radar.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Nobody Likes the Republicans...

So the Dems had dozens of celebrities and artists at their convention and the best the Republicans can get is Charlie Daniels. I mean, I love Devil Came Down to Georgia but he's not exactly an international superstar anymore. The rest of their "stars" are all Christian bands that probably have 4 fans. They can't even get the one celebrity, Schwarzenegger, who actually belongs to their little cult.

Honor Among Racists...

I guess the honeymoon between Hillary and the GOP is over. They only loved her when they were trying to screw up Obama's chances.

Palin appealed to the women in the crowd here in Pennsylvania with a political shout-out to Geraldine Ferraro, who preceded Palin as the first women to be tapped as a vice presidential candidate. The reference was met with polite applause.

Well of course they applauded for Ferraro, they recognize she's as racist as they are.

Funny, I don't recall anyone harassing the protesters at the DNC Convention. I guess the RNC wants to pretend everyone loves dear leader and his handpicked successor. When did America become Russia? Now, I normally hate anarchists, because they're far more about causing mayhem than actually changing anything, but they have a right to protest without the police trying to intimidate them.

The Republican Whitewash of Palin begins...

Talk about whitewashing. This story barely mentions her scandal and only briefly mentions her complete lack of experience (she makes Barack Obama look like Winston Churchill) at the very end. This is what the Republicans will do. They'll pretend like she's a perfect maverick who's never had any ethical problems and somehow became an expert on foreign policy while running a state with fewer people than most large cities. She's not a game changer. Suggesting that women will vote for her just because she's a woman is far more sexist than anything Obama's campaign ever said. This is a last minute act of desperation and will probably open up more than one rift within the Republican Party (Mittens and Pawlenty aren't exactly tickled pink that they were strung along for weeks just to be thrown aside for the mayor of some podunk town in Alaska). This makes Rush Limbaugh happy, which should give pause to any actual moderates in the Republican Party, but probably ticks off far more people than it delights.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Better Luck Next Time...

The fundies didn't get their torrential rains during Obama's speech. Anyone think they'll learn any lessons from this fact, or will they just keep on pretending their God cares about their petty revenge fantasies?

Bad Choice...

I really think this choice was a mistake. Women aren't going to automatically flock to an anti-choice candidate just because she has a uterus. This could end up backfiring on them. I certainly don't ever want to hear anything about Obama's experience ever again.

Damn Fox News Democrats...

Remind me again why we still call this woman a Democrat? First she revealed herself to be a racist during the primary, now she's shilling for McCain on Faux News? Perhaps if she joins Lieberman at the Republican Convention people will finally see she's not a Democrat.

Don't Blame the Messenger...

He explained it as "the idea that we are responsible for ourselves, but that we also rise and fall as one nation" and described it as blending "individual responsibility and mutual responsibility." Simply put: You have to do what you can for yourself, but that you also have to do for others.

There is the rub: If everyone were to adhere to the first part, there will be no need for the second. Besides, even if we buy the idea that, as Obama said, "I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper," there is still the question of whether government should do the keeping.

That's an absurd thing to say. Not everyone can accomplish everything they need for themselves, no matter how hard they try. Suggesting that everyone living below the poverty line is just not trying hard enough is insulting. People take the jobs they can take and there are always going to be some jobs that just don't pay enough. If there wasn't some sort of safety net for these people, and for those who find themselves unable to work for whatever reason, a lot of people would starve through no fault of their own.

I'm also keen on people not playing the victim, not feeling a sense of entitlement, and not fearing competition. And when you're struggling in a tough economy, you don't give up or lay blame or ask for a government bailout, you work harder.

In a country where there isn't 100% employment, there's always going to be people who can't find work. That's not their fault and it's not because of a lack of effort. It's just the way things are. Unless you want those people to starve to death, you're always going to need a government sponsored safety net.

Case in point: On this third anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, there are people in New Orleans who are still waiting for the federal government to rebuild that city. Good luck with that, folks.

The waters have long since receded and residents are no longer standing on rooftops holding signs that read: "Help save us!" But they might as well be.

That wasn't the fault of government. That was the fault of the Bush Administration. I sometimes wonder if this has been Bush's intention all along: screw things up so much and so often that people lose all faith in government. In reality, the Bush Administrations failings shouldn't turn one off all government any more than a bad experience at a fast food restaurant should turn one off all restaurants.

The same goes for the Democrats who convened in Denver. This is a party that maintains power by trying to convince people that our country is a dark place, devoid of opportunities, and that the answer is to elect more of them.

It just so happens that this country becomes a dark place after years of Republican control. The fact that Carter, Clinton and Obama have run in the face of horrible Republican incompetence isn't their fault. You shouldn't kill the messenger.

Now they're seeking a change in the White House, a change in policy, and a change in national priorities --even if they aren't ready to change their tune.

What? Should they act like Joe Lieberman and just pretend the last 8 years didn't happen? This country is in the middle of a disaster the likes of which we haven't seen in decades.

Bad Idea...

They should not have allowed her to leave jail at least until she gave up where the girl is. What leverage do they have now? She'll probably flee the state. She has been dishonest from the beginning and there's good evidence she killed the girl. Her family is being uncooperative, her mother almost certainly knows where the girl/body is and refuses to help. They should put her back in jail immediately and possibly have her mother join her. Only when they admit what happened should bail even be considered. If the little girl's father had killed her and lies about it does anyone believe he'd be anywhere other than a jail cell rotting away? The government should stop treating female offenders differently from male offenders.


Now who's the elitist in this race? It's always been absurd that the media has allowed McCain to say this about Obama, this just illustrates the truth. McCain has always been the elitist. He doesn't care about gas prices, he doesn't care about the mortgage crisis. He gets his allowance from his wife and he's happy in his dozen homes. Meanwhile the rest of us are not so lucky.

Get Over Yourselves...

Hillary's supporters really need to get over this. They lost. Would Hillary have chosen Barack as her running mate? Would she have pursued his opinion on who she should choose? They're looking for reasons to hate Obama.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Please, Don't Make Him VP....

I hate to repeat myself but Obama would be making a HUGE mistake putting Evan Bayh anywhere on his ticket. Making him VP will pretty much doom his chances of winning the election. One would think the Dems would have learned their lesson when Gore placed Lieberman on his ticket and lost. This guy is the definition of a Washington insider. He's a pro-corporate DLCer and he's salivating over Iran the way he was salivating over Iraq 6 years ago.

You just hope that we haven't soured an entire generation on the necessity, from time to time, of using force because Iraq has been such a debacle.

Yes, it would be truly horrible if Americans actually learned the lesson of this war, that war is not to be a first choice and should only be entered into cautiously with a good plan for victory.

That would be tragic, because Iran is a grave threat.

The only people who are suggesting we go to war with Iran are neo-cons in America and Israelis who want to get rid of their regional rival on the cheap. Nobody with a brain is suggesting this. Besides, Bayh said the same thing about Iraq so his credibility is nil.

They're everything we thought Iraq was but wasn't.

Bayh is hoping the people of America will let him have his pet war with Iran, despite the fact that he was wrong about Iraq and is wrong about Iran. Why should we believe them now when they were so spectacularly, and intentionally, wrong last time? He knows Iran is not a threat to the US, just as he knew Iraq wasn't a threat, but his corporate paymasters need their money so he's out there again trying to get Americans killed so the CEO of Boeing can buy another yacht.

They are seeking nuclear weapons,

Fool us once shame on you...

they do support terrorists,

fool us twice shame on us.

they have threatened to destroy Israel,

They have a legitimate beef with Israel. They're not stupid enough to try anything against Israel. Even if they did, Israel is more than capable of defending itself. Why should we waste money and lives just so Israel can keep from getting its hands dirty?

and they've threatened us, too.

Bullshit. They can't do a goddamn thing to us. The worst they could do is launch a small attack against our troops in Iraq and if we'd get the hell out of there that wouldn't be a problem either.

Might Be Time to Cut Your Vacation Short...

Wow, you'd think one of the foremost experts on Russia in the country, who happens to be Secretary of State, could drag herself away from her vacation long enough to address a huge crisis that happens to involve Russia.

Thanks so much, idiots...

All you Clinton supporters, this is what you were voting for. The Clintons are a sad caricature of their former selves. The power was obviously way too much for them and they lost their minds. I think the Dems should be thanking their lucky stars Edwards and Clinton dropped out of this race. They would have been disasters in November. We'd be watching them implode right in front of us and dreading the elections.

Religion Kills...,2933,402004,00.html

Another case of someone dying for no other reason than their parents are crazy religious nutjobs. Someone should do something about this epidemic of religious violence.

Easy Question...

Again, I'm simply shocked. Why would Bush weaken environmental regulations to benefit industry...oh right, he hates the environment and loves money.

No Justice In the Justice Dept...

What a surprise, a Bush Attorney General refusing to prosecute serious crimes committed by members of the administration. Perhaps this was something Congress should have foreseen back when they were confirming him instead of just taking his word that he'd enforce the law. After they were lied to twice by past AGs, they probably should have sought more proof than that.

For comparison, Janet Reno appointed a Special Prosecutor to investigate the President himself. That Special Prosecutor commenced years of pointless investigations against Clinton. We can't even get Bush's Attorney General to start investigations against ANYONE.

Clinton Surrogates Won't Go Away...

Really, Howard? You're going to start pulling this shit now, huh? Ass.

You lost damnit, get over it. If these self-interested morons don't swallow their egos and get behind Obama they're going to be to blame for 4 more years of Bush.

You wouldn't have won even if Edwards did drop out before Iowa. I can't see Edwards' idealistic, change-oriented voters going for the Iron Lady Hillary. She's as anti-change as any candidate our side of the aisle.

Perhaps We Should Have Thought of This...

This is a sucky situation. Unfortunately, a not too small amount of the blame for all this can be placed directly at our feet. We started all this by allowing Kosovo to unilaterally declare independence from Serbia. We can hardly blame the Ossetians for declaring independence, or the Russians for providing them military support, when we did the same thing in Kosovo. It seems childish political oneupmanship (flipping off Russia by helping the Kosovars screw Russia's friend) is more important to the Bush Administration than human lives. I hope all those who will now die can forgive us for our brain dead foreign policy.

Self-Interested Lies...,2933,399041,00.html

Why does anybody believe a thing this guy says? It says in his bio who he is. That's all you need to know to know he's full of crap. He represents the "government in exile" of Iran. He's going to say whatever it takes to get the current regime out of power so he can get himself in power. If it means millions of his countrymen dead in an unnecessary war with the US or Israel, I guess that's acceptable to him. The guy's probably a spy for Israel. Seriously, he's the Ahmed Chalabi of Iran, making up any excuse to try to convince us to attack. Did this administration learn nothing from Iraq?

You Catch More Flies With Honey...

PETA will never enjoy widespread support while it makes commercials like this. Comparing the brutal murder and butchering of an innocent man to the consumption of meat is absurd and only serves to make meat eaters less likely to support PETA's aims. Why should I support their efforts to ease the suffering of the animals raised for food when they continue to compare me to a brutal murderer?

Just Say No to Bayh...

Man, I'm glad Obama didn't announce today that Bayh is his VP choice. I really hope we can dodge that bullet and that he'll announce a reasonable choice later.

Shut Up Already Bill...

Bill Clinton needs to get over himself. He absurdly believed he'd always be the king of the Democrats no matter who succeeded him as President. Now that he's not that important, he's making a huge ass of himself. If he stops now, he may still be remembered well in Democratic circles. Otherwise, he's going to go down as another Jimmy Carter (even most Dems don't dare praise Carter for anything political).

BTW, what he said was racist. There's no way around it. The best thing he can do is stop mentioning it every chance he gets and hope people forget.

Going Too Far...

Lovely. Just the behavior we expect from Presidential candidates. I fully agree that Al-Arian got a raw deal. He was caught up in the hysteria that suggests that all Palestinians are terrorists and must be sending money to Palestine to fight Israel. I still wouldn't be out there suggesting anybody attack a federal prosecutor. That's a good way to get thrown in jail.

Religious Freedom Goes Both Ways...

Somebody wanna explain to me why this is even an issue? More than half the employees at the plant are Muslim, so they naturally wanted a Muslim holiday off. Even though Christians are in the minority, they didn't even take a Christian holiday off the list, they took a secular holiday. They should have taken Christmas off the list. When Christians are in the majority in a workplace, Muslims get no paid religious holidays. It would be only fair if the reverse were also true. Either way, the union was given the choice of 8 holidays and they made a decision based on the wishes of their membership. This just proves that conservatives and Christians have a knee jerk reaction whenever they hear the word "Muslim" and completely lose their minds.

McCain can literally do anything he wants without the media even stopping to notice. It's sad the depths our once proud news media have sunk to.

Now if Obama had volunteered his wife for a questionable bikini pageant it'd be the story of the night.

A Philly News Fixture Passes...

I was surprised to see this news while perusing the Inquirer website. She seemed like a very nice person.

Bridge to Jail...

Now who's going to build bridges to nowhere?

Death Penalty...

Now, I don't support the death penalty at all. I think it should be banned in all situations. That being said, I don't think the state should give any thought to the suffering of those they execute. These guys gave no thought to the suffering of their victims. If a state is going to execute people, maybe they should try to make it hurt more. Give them an idea what their victims went through.

Conservative Terrorism...

Now I wonder why a guy who reads books by Bill O'Reilly and Michael Weiner Savage would suddenly go off and murder a bunch of liberals. It's not like those two advocate murder of liberals...oh wait...they do. This kind of violent rhetoric is unfortunately all too common in conservative circles.

This bastard expected to die in a blaze of glory when the cops arrived. He didn't realize the people in the church were more than able to deal with his kind. He's going to wish he had died in that church. Somehow I don't think he's going to enjoy spending the rest of his miserable life in jail.

What jumps out at me is the bravery shown by the people there. Conservatives always claim liberals are cowards and yet these were some of the most liberal people there are. They showed a lot more bravery than most conservatives. I doubt Bill O'Reilly would have stood between a shooter and his children or family. He'd be the first under the table or out the door.