Friday, July 25, 2008

Who Knew John Stossel Was Still Around...

Wow, I'm shocked, I'd have never thought John Stossel would come out in favor of discrimination. He is nothing but a corporate shill. There is nothing redeeming about that man. His only concern seems to be increased profits for his corporate paymasters. He claims to be a consumer advocate but again and again he takes the side of industry and actually hurts consumers by advocating extreme right-wing positions that benefit big business and hurt everyone else. The fact that ABC still identifies him as a consumer advocate, and not a right-wing pundit who is a paid advocate for industry, speaks volumes about the state of "news" in this country. Stossel is in no way shape or form a journalist and yet he's treated as one.

Roger Pilon, vice president of legal affairs for the libertarian Cato Institute, thinks that businesses just need to do what's best for them in order to stay afloat.

"People have to be free to run their own businesses because if they're not, they could find themselves going out of business in the blink of an eye," Pilon said.

Yeah, sure, pollute that river and kill thousands of people. After all, all that matters is the CEO's $100 million paycheck and the stockholders' huge dividend payment. To hell with all those who will suffer, if they wanted to live they should have been CEOs.

Why not the boss? It's the boss's money. Give me a break.

Evidently, people not wanting to lose their jobs and livelihoods after 30 years of work really gets under poor John's skin. I guess when you make millions shilling for billionaires it makes one thin skinned.