I agree that it's probably best that the right-wingers are concerning themselves with pointless wanking and conspiracy mongering instead of actually addressing substantive issues. Everyone with half a brain knows that Obama was born in America, if he wasn't I'm sure this information would have been discovered long ago by much smarter people who don't spend all day in front of a computer in their pajamas.
As for their "expert", I am loathe to even believe he's a forensic expert since we do after all have only their word on this fact. Even if he is somehow employed at a facility that performs forensic testing (perhaps he's the janitor), it doesn't make him a saint or above reproach. Anybody can be gotten to. I have no doubt that a right-wing true believer would fake all sorts of things to help McCain win. Besides, I doubt too many people reading that blog are expert enough to refute his claims. I know my eyes glossed over a few paragraphs in. He could have reproduced chapter 10 from To Kill a Mockingbird in the middle there and no one would have known.
It's typical right-wing behavior. They trot out someone who they claim is an expert on something. That person then makes all kinds of statements of supposed fact that sail right over the heads of the majority of the readers in order to claim that something untoward is going on. They rely on the fact that their readership is by and large way too dumb to even begin to understand what's being said and can be counted on to just swallow whatever they're told since they've been taught from youth to buckle to authority in all cases.
This kind of shit, pointless as it is, really does get under my skin though. Do they honestly think they're the only people in the world with brains? What do they think McCain's people are doing (or Hillary's people for that matter)? Do they think there's some sort of huge conspiracy among the Republican establishment to ignore something that, if true, would be a bombshell that would blow this entire election apart? If there was a shred of truth to this bullshit the Republicans would be all over it. After all, they've made a big deal out of far less. There is no reason to believe that McCain's people would ignore something that would guarantee him the Presidency.
Hillary's people also don't seem like the type who would have ignored this for all those months she refused to leave the race. They threw everything but the kitchen sink at Barack. They would have loved to have something like this in April or May. It seems awful weird that they would completely forget to bring it up.
Everyone who bought the "Rathergate" bull should take a lesson from this one. Everyone in the right-wing is batshit insane. There is nothing off limits to them. They would lie about their own grandmother if it would get Republicans elected. Nothing they say can be believed, in fact if you hear them say something it's safe to assume it's a lie. I think a lot of people owe Dan Rather a huge apology. I wouldn't believe these psychos if they told me the roof was on fire and I smelled smoke.