Man this shit gets old. That whole Islamic boys having to kill another strikes me as not just absurd, but also impractical. If Islamic boys were actually running around killing other Islamic boys doesn't that eventually end up in a severe lack of boys? Then again, I think this crap makes a lot more sense if you turn off your brain. That seems to be the way most Republican/conservative things work.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Yet another example of the White House using the power of the government to make Obama look bad. I have no doubt that McCain's campaign was in on this. The Pentagon has become a political arm of the Republican Party just like the Justice Dept. and all the others. There is no shame left in this Administration. Everything they do is for political reasons. First they tell him at the last minute that he can't come and then they criticize him for canceling at the last minute. I really hope people don't buy this crap like they've bought every other lie told by the McCain campaign and the Bush Administration.
Yet another example of the White House using the power of the government to make Obama look bad. I have no doubt that McCain's campaign was in on this. The Pentagon has become a political arm of the Republican Party just like the Justice Dept. and all the others. There is no shame left in this Administration. Everything they do is for political reasons. First they tell him at the last minute that he can't come and then they criticize him for canceling at the last minute. I really hope people don't buy this crap like they've bought every other lie told by the McCain campaign and the Bush Administration.,8599,1826161,00.html
Gee, I wonder why the countries of the South America would run to Iran and Russia for alliances? Maybe if we didn't treat their people like children, and didn't try to kill their leaders when they elect people we don't like, they'd trust us and wouldn't need to beef up their militaries to keep safe.
Gee, I wonder why the countries of the South America would run to Iran and Russia for alliances? Maybe if we didn't treat their people like children, and didn't try to kill their leaders when they elect people we don't like, they'd trust us and wouldn't need to beef up their militaries to keep safe.
Without War, What Would They Do For Fun?...,8599,1826310,00.html
They really want their war. They've been spoiled by our willingness to wage their wars for them. Up until now, Israel has been able to destroy its enemies with minimal personal risk. Now it seems they may have to go it alone if they decide to start another unnecessary war to increase the size of their empire in the Middle East.
Israeli officials have recognized that a U.S. air strike on Iranian nuclear sites is increasingly unlikely in the waning days of the Bush Administration.
Good, it would be disgusting to leave President Obama with another stupid war.
So dismayed were the Israelis by the latest U.S. moves, one military source told TIME, that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert wrote to Bush complaining that Israel should have been forewarned about the White House's abrupt change of course toward Iran.
Why should we tell them anything? They seem to think they run our country.
A top former officer from Mossad (the Israeli equivalent of the CIA) told TIME that Israel is mindful that an air strike on Iran would jolt the U.S. presidential election — probably rebounding badly on Republican contender Senator John McCain. Sources say that Israel sees a narrow "window of opportunity" for military action opening up between November and the swearing-in of the new American President next January. "No Israel leader wants to be blamed for destroying the Republican chances," says the former Mossad officer.
Yes, heaven forbid they hurt their buddies in the Republican Party. They know the only way they'll get their war in Iran without having to lift a finger and actually pay for it is if McCain wins. Instead they'll attack after the election, handing the new President a huge mess which he'll have to address. Perhaps the best course of action if this were to occur is to just step back, make it clear we had nothing to do with it, and let the bully get bitch slapped by Iran.
Whatever the real prospects for military action, in the game of rhetorical brinksmanship, Israel has matched every hotheaded statement from Ahmadinejad with threats of its own. The Israeli press often compares Iran's bellicose, Holocaust-denying leader to Hitler.
Please, they compare everyone they disagree with to Hitler. They compared Saddam Hussein to Hitler. They probably compare Obama to Hitler. You'd think people who actually suffered under Hitler would remember a bit about what he did. Let me know when Ahmadinejad starts killing millions of people, then perhaps you could compare him to Hitler. At least Hussein killed some people, still not nearly as many as Hitler. The ironic thing is that they get bent out of shape when anyone else makes light of Hitler and yet they do it themselves by comparing every tinpot dictator to him.
The danger remains in this high-stakes game of brinksmanship that either Israel or Iran could push the other too far. But the Bush Administration's sudden overture toward Iran, and its moves toward engaging it diplomatically in search of a solution to the nuclear impasse, make it more likely that Israel will follow Washington's lead rather than striking out on its own.
Never underestimate the overwhelming desire among the Israeli government, and the Bush Administration, for war. If they decide to forgo it it's not because they don't want war, it's because they decided they might actually pay a price for once.
They really want their war. They've been spoiled by our willingness to wage their wars for them. Up until now, Israel has been able to destroy its enemies with minimal personal risk. Now it seems they may have to go it alone if they decide to start another unnecessary war to increase the size of their empire in the Middle East.
Israeli officials have recognized that a U.S. air strike on Iranian nuclear sites is increasingly unlikely in the waning days of the Bush Administration.
Good, it would be disgusting to leave President Obama with another stupid war.
So dismayed were the Israelis by the latest U.S. moves, one military source told TIME, that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert wrote to Bush complaining that Israel should have been forewarned about the White House's abrupt change of course toward Iran.
Why should we tell them anything? They seem to think they run our country.
A top former officer from Mossad (the Israeli equivalent of the CIA) told TIME that Israel is mindful that an air strike on Iran would jolt the U.S. presidential election — probably rebounding badly on Republican contender Senator John McCain. Sources say that Israel sees a narrow "window of opportunity" for military action opening up between November and the swearing-in of the new American President next January. "No Israel leader wants to be blamed for destroying the Republican chances," says the former Mossad officer.
Yes, heaven forbid they hurt their buddies in the Republican Party. They know the only way they'll get their war in Iran without having to lift a finger and actually pay for it is if McCain wins. Instead they'll attack after the election, handing the new President a huge mess which he'll have to address. Perhaps the best course of action if this were to occur is to just step back, make it clear we had nothing to do with it, and let the bully get bitch slapped by Iran.
Whatever the real prospects for military action, in the game of rhetorical brinksmanship, Israel has matched every hotheaded statement from Ahmadinejad with threats of its own. The Israeli press often compares Iran's bellicose, Holocaust-denying leader to Hitler.
Please, they compare everyone they disagree with to Hitler. They compared Saddam Hussein to Hitler. They probably compare Obama to Hitler. You'd think people who actually suffered under Hitler would remember a bit about what he did. Let me know when Ahmadinejad starts killing millions of people, then perhaps you could compare him to Hitler. At least Hussein killed some people, still not nearly as many as Hitler. The ironic thing is that they get bent out of shape when anyone else makes light of Hitler and yet they do it themselves by comparing every tinpot dictator to him.
The danger remains in this high-stakes game of brinksmanship that either Israel or Iran could push the other too far. But the Bush Administration's sudden overture toward Iran, and its moves toward engaging it diplomatically in search of a solution to the nuclear impasse, make it more likely that Israel will follow Washington's lead rather than striking out on its own.
Never underestimate the overwhelming desire among the Israeli government, and the Bush Administration, for war. If they decide to forgo it it's not because they don't want war, it's because they decided they might actually pay a price for once.
Who Knew John Stossel Was Still Around...
Wow, I'm shocked, I'd have never thought John Stossel would come out in favor of discrimination. He is nothing but a corporate shill. There is nothing redeeming about that man. His only concern seems to be increased profits for his corporate paymasters. He claims to be a consumer advocate but again and again he takes the side of industry and actually hurts consumers by advocating extreme right-wing positions that benefit big business and hurt everyone else. The fact that ABC still identifies him as a consumer advocate, and not a right-wing pundit who is a paid advocate for industry, speaks volumes about the state of "news" in this country. Stossel is in no way shape or form a journalist and yet he's treated as one.
Roger Pilon, vice president of legal affairs for the libertarian Cato Institute, thinks that businesses just need to do what's best for them in order to stay afloat.
"People have to be free to run their own businesses because if they're not, they could find themselves going out of business in the blink of an eye," Pilon said.
Yeah, sure, pollute that river and kill thousands of people. After all, all that matters is the CEO's $100 million paycheck and the stockholders' huge dividend payment. To hell with all those who will suffer, if they wanted to live they should have been CEOs.
Why not the boss? It's the boss's money. Give me a break.
Evidently, people not wanting to lose their jobs and livelihoods after 30 years of work really gets under poor John's skin. I guess when you make millions shilling for billionaires it makes one thin skinned.
Wow, I'm shocked, I'd have never thought John Stossel would come out in favor of discrimination. He is nothing but a corporate shill. There is nothing redeeming about that man. His only concern seems to be increased profits for his corporate paymasters. He claims to be a consumer advocate but again and again he takes the side of industry and actually hurts consumers by advocating extreme right-wing positions that benefit big business and hurt everyone else. The fact that ABC still identifies him as a consumer advocate, and not a right-wing pundit who is a paid advocate for industry, speaks volumes about the state of "news" in this country. Stossel is in no way shape or form a journalist and yet he's treated as one.
Roger Pilon, vice president of legal affairs for the libertarian Cato Institute, thinks that businesses just need to do what's best for them in order to stay afloat.
"People have to be free to run their own businesses because if they're not, they could find themselves going out of business in the blink of an eye," Pilon said.
Yeah, sure, pollute that river and kill thousands of people. After all, all that matters is the CEO's $100 million paycheck and the stockholders' huge dividend payment. To hell with all those who will suffer, if they wanted to live they should have been CEOs.
Why not the boss? It's the boss's money. Give me a break.
Evidently, people not wanting to lose their jobs and livelihoods after 30 years of work really gets under poor John's skin. I guess when you make millions shilling for billionaires it makes one thin skinned.
More Bush News Smears...
This is a disgusting violation of Obama's privacy. I'm sure there will be no comment from Joe Lieberman or the Israeli government. This was done to tarnish Obama, probably at the order of the Republican Party, possibly with the participation of the corrupt government of Israel.
This is a disgusting violation of Obama's privacy. I'm sure there will be no comment from Joe Lieberman or the Israeli government. This was done to tarnish Obama, probably at the order of the Republican Party, possibly with the participation of the corrupt government of Israel.
Fox News, the Newest Supermarket Tabloid...,2933,391426,00.html
Why should I believe the Enquirer and some random, probably Republican, security guard? Edwards probably wasn't even there that night. This is just more of Faux News taking any opportunity to insult Democrats.
Why should I believe the Enquirer and some random, probably Republican, security guard? Edwards probably wasn't even there that night. This is just more of Faux News taking any opportunity to insult Democrats.
It's Almost Like They Enjoy Being Angry...
Indeed. Catholics creating a fake controversy to slam a liberal, imagine that...
Indeed. Catholics creating a fake controversy to slam a liberal, imagine that...
Prince of Darkness...
Looks like Novak knowingly fled the scene of an accident and only returned when he found out there was a witness. What a lovely guy. No wonder they call him the Prince of Darkness.
Looks like Novak knowingly fled the scene of an accident and only returned when he found out there was a witness. What a lovely guy. No wonder they call him the Prince of Darkness.
Most Politicians Wish They Had Obama's Jewish Problem...
But Obama totally still has a Jewish problem...
Lieberman is such an ass that everyone hates his guts. This may actually be the thing to unite the country, a universal hatred of Joe.
But Obama totally still has a Jewish problem...
Lieberman is such an ass that everyone hates his guts. This may actually be the thing to unite the country, a universal hatred of Joe.
Sheep Always Come Around in the End...
I knew Dobson would eventually comply with his masters' wishes and endorse McCain. He knows which party pays his bills. At the end of the day, the conservatives and evangelicals who swore up and down they'd never vote for McCain will vote for him. Not because they believe in him in particular but because they're all sheep.
I knew Dobson would eventually comply with his masters' wishes and endorse McCain. He knows which party pays his bills. At the end of the day, the conservatives and evangelicals who swore up and down they'd never vote for McCain will vote for him. Not because they believe in him in particular but because they're all sheep.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Liars, all of them liars...
I agree that it's probably best that the right-wingers are concerning themselves with pointless wanking and conspiracy mongering instead of actually addressing substantive issues. Everyone with half a brain knows that Obama was born in America, if he wasn't I'm sure this information would have been discovered long ago by much smarter people who don't spend all day in front of a computer in their pajamas.
As for their "expert", I am loathe to even believe he's a forensic expert since we do after all have only their word on this fact. Even if he is somehow employed at a facility that performs forensic testing (perhaps he's the janitor), it doesn't make him a saint or above reproach. Anybody can be gotten to. I have no doubt that a right-wing true believer would fake all sorts of things to help McCain win. Besides, I doubt too many people reading that blog are expert enough to refute his claims. I know my eyes glossed over a few paragraphs in. He could have reproduced chapter 10 from To Kill a Mockingbird in the middle there and no one would have known.
It's typical right-wing behavior. They trot out someone who they claim is an expert on something. That person then makes all kinds of statements of supposed fact that sail right over the heads of the majority of the readers in order to claim that something untoward is going on. They rely on the fact that their readership is by and large way too dumb to even begin to understand what's being said and can be counted on to just swallow whatever they're told since they've been taught from youth to buckle to authority in all cases.
This kind of shit, pointless as it is, really does get under my skin though. Do they honestly think they're the only people in the world with brains? What do they think McCain's people are doing (or Hillary's people for that matter)? Do they think there's some sort of huge conspiracy among the Republican establishment to ignore something that, if true, would be a bombshell that would blow this entire election apart? If there was a shred of truth to this bullshit the Republicans would be all over it. After all, they've made a big deal out of far less. There is no reason to believe that McCain's people would ignore something that would guarantee him the Presidency.
Hillary's people also don't seem like the type who would have ignored this for all those months she refused to leave the race. They threw everything but the kitchen sink at Barack. They would have loved to have something like this in April or May. It seems awful weird that they would completely forget to bring it up.
Everyone who bought the "Rathergate" bull should take a lesson from this one. Everyone in the right-wing is batshit insane. There is nothing off limits to them. They would lie about their own grandmother if it would get Republicans elected. Nothing they say can be believed, in fact if you hear them say something it's safe to assume it's a lie. I think a lot of people owe Dan Rather a huge apology. I wouldn't believe these psychos if they told me the roof was on fire and I smelled smoke.
I agree that it's probably best that the right-wingers are concerning themselves with pointless wanking and conspiracy mongering instead of actually addressing substantive issues. Everyone with half a brain knows that Obama was born in America, if he wasn't I'm sure this information would have been discovered long ago by much smarter people who don't spend all day in front of a computer in their pajamas.
As for their "expert", I am loathe to even believe he's a forensic expert since we do after all have only their word on this fact. Even if he is somehow employed at a facility that performs forensic testing (perhaps he's the janitor), it doesn't make him a saint or above reproach. Anybody can be gotten to. I have no doubt that a right-wing true believer would fake all sorts of things to help McCain win. Besides, I doubt too many people reading that blog are expert enough to refute his claims. I know my eyes glossed over a few paragraphs in. He could have reproduced chapter 10 from To Kill a Mockingbird in the middle there and no one would have known.
It's typical right-wing behavior. They trot out someone who they claim is an expert on something. That person then makes all kinds of statements of supposed fact that sail right over the heads of the majority of the readers in order to claim that something untoward is going on. They rely on the fact that their readership is by and large way too dumb to even begin to understand what's being said and can be counted on to just swallow whatever they're told since they've been taught from youth to buckle to authority in all cases.
This kind of shit, pointless as it is, really does get under my skin though. Do they honestly think they're the only people in the world with brains? What do they think McCain's people are doing (or Hillary's people for that matter)? Do they think there's some sort of huge conspiracy among the Republican establishment to ignore something that, if true, would be a bombshell that would blow this entire election apart? If there was a shred of truth to this bullshit the Republicans would be all over it. After all, they've made a big deal out of far less. There is no reason to believe that McCain's people would ignore something that would guarantee him the Presidency.
Hillary's people also don't seem like the type who would have ignored this for all those months she refused to leave the race. They threw everything but the kitchen sink at Barack. They would have loved to have something like this in April or May. It seems awful weird that they would completely forget to bring it up.
Everyone who bought the "Rathergate" bull should take a lesson from this one. Everyone in the right-wing is batshit insane. There is nothing off limits to them. They would lie about their own grandmother if it would get Republicans elected. Nothing they say can be believed, in fact if you hear them say something it's safe to assume it's a lie. I think a lot of people owe Dan Rather a huge apology. I wouldn't believe these psychos if they told me the roof was on fire and I smelled smoke.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bad Idea...
Next we could name a civil rights law after Strom Thurmond. Perhaps name a journalism school after Tony Snow.
Next we could name a civil rights law after Strom Thurmond. Perhaps name a journalism school after Tony Snow.
And This is His Strong Suit...
Remember what happened the last time we elected a President who couldn't name the countries of the world or their leaders...
McCain has no excuse. At least Bush could point to his relatively insignificant experience as Governor of Texas. McCain claims foreign policy is his strong suit. If he can't even remember that Czechoslovakia was broken up into two separate nations in the 90s, why should we trust him to be President? After all, he was in the Senate when this happened, you'd think he'd remember.
Remember what happened the last time we elected a President who couldn't name the countries of the world or their leaders...
McCain has no excuse. At least Bush could point to his relatively insignificant experience as Governor of Texas. McCain claims foreign policy is his strong suit. If he can't even remember that Czechoslovakia was broken up into two separate nations in the 90s, why should we trust him to be President? After all, he was in the Senate when this happened, you'd think he'd remember.
Sexist jerk...
Are the PUMA's still going to vote for this guy just to spite Obama? Who wants to guess how often this will be mentioned on the news?
Are the PUMA's still going to vote for this guy just to spite Obama? Who wants to guess how often this will be mentioned on the news?
Chuck Norris doesn't know anything about government...
Can we all agree that Chuck Norris should shut the hell up?
I believe just as we have one governor per state, we should consider reducing Congress to one representative and two senators per state (the minimum the Constitution requires). If one representative works for Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming, why can't it work for the rest of the states? Here's a movie we all can star in: "Honey, I Shrunk the Congress!"
Sure, because it's not enough that the less populated, conservative states have disproportionate representation in the Senate, they must also have unfair power in the House. Because this country will be so much better when the same number of Representatives represent the 626,932 people of Alaska as represent the 36,553,215 people who live in California. It's bad enough the Senate works this way but that was part of a compromise which gave us the House. If we destroy the House, we end up with the tyranny of the small states that we were trying to avoid.
Can we all agree that Chuck Norris should shut the hell up?
I believe just as we have one governor per state, we should consider reducing Congress to one representative and two senators per state (the minimum the Constitution requires). If one representative works for Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming, why can't it work for the rest of the states? Here's a movie we all can star in: "Honey, I Shrunk the Congress!"
Sure, because it's not enough that the less populated, conservative states have disproportionate representation in the Senate, they must also have unfair power in the House. Because this country will be so much better when the same number of Representatives represent the 626,932 people of Alaska as represent the 36,553,215 people who live in California. It's bad enough the Senate works this way but that was part of a compromise which gave us the House. If we destroy the House, we end up with the tyranny of the small states that we were trying to avoid.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Mind Your Own Business Part II...
I'm sure that just fills their hearts with gladness. It's like having Jack Kevorkian wish you a speedy recovery.
Benedict said he did not want to "interfere" in the debate.
Then what was all that crap earlier in the week about how Jesus only loved men and female bishops were an affront to God? Huh you Prada wearing bastard?
I'm sure that just fills their hearts with gladness. It's like having Jack Kevorkian wish you a speedy recovery.
Benedict said he did not want to "interfere" in the debate.
Then what was all that crap earlier in the week about how Jesus only loved men and female bishops were an affront to God? Huh you Prada wearing bastard?
Good Riddance to Bad Garbage Part II...
Cue the whitewashed, fawning obits that completely omit the horrible things he's done.
Man, these conservatives are dropping like flies lately, aren't they?
Cue the whitewashed, fawning obits that completely omit the horrible things he's done.
Man, these conservatives are dropping like flies lately, aren't they?
Stupid Conservatives, Crazy No Matter Where You Are...
This is absurd. If McCain wanted to give a speech in Germany, Merkel would be falling over herself to say yes. This is politics plain and simple. She's a right-wing fascist and she knows the Republicans are her party in Washington.
This is absurd. If McCain wanted to give a speech in Germany, Merkel would be falling over herself to say yes. This is politics plain and simple. She's a right-wing fascist and she knows the Republicans are her party in Washington.
Silly Superstition...;jsessionid=624E1C2F1D1C31C4844F655CD2979273?contentId=6932236&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
Ok, seriously, it's just a stupid piece of bread. Regardless of what supernatural powers you ascribe to it, it's not worth killing someone over.
Ok, seriously, it's just a stupid piece of bread. Regardless of what supernatural powers you ascribe to it, it's not worth killing someone over.
You Were Right the First Time...
How ironic that the first time the Bush Administration says something truthful they end up apologizing for it. Everything they said was true, and was sourced from a legitimate source of such information. The only reason Berlusconi was elected the first time is because he owns all the media in Italy. Despite this, his reign was so horrible that he actually lost to the more liberal party. The only way he was able to claw his corrupt way back into power was by launching an all out media assault on his opponent, using his complete stranglehold on the media, in conjunction with the Catholic Church. I give him a few years before the people of Italy remember why they hate him so much and kick his ass to the curb.
How ironic that the first time the Bush Administration says something truthful they end up apologizing for it. Everything they said was true, and was sourced from a legitimate source of such information. The only reason Berlusconi was elected the first time is because he owns all the media in Italy. Despite this, his reign was so horrible that he actually lost to the more liberal party. The only way he was able to claw his corrupt way back into power was by launching an all out media assault on his opponent, using his complete stranglehold on the media, in conjunction with the Catholic Church. I give him a few years before the people of Italy remember why they hate him so much and kick his ass to the curb.
Mind Your Own Business..
How nice of them to jump in where they have no business going. I'm sure the Anglicans are devastated that the Vatican, a hyper corrupt irrelevant body which they wisely left hundreds of years ago, disapproves of their personal decision not to treat their female ministers as second class citizens.
The move by the Anglican Church's General Synod "is a rift to the apostolic tradition" of ordaining only men as bishops, the Vatican said in a statement, and is another obstacle to reconciliation between Anglicans and Roman Catholics.
Evidently they don't interpret the Bible in a way that needlessly excludes half the population (and many of the most active church members).
The catholic church has never really been interested in reconciliation with anyone. That would require both sides to make sacrifices and that's never been their intention. They want all other churches to come together, declare they were wrong, and bow before the Pope.
Some traditionalists have threatened to abandon the Anglican Church for the Roman Catholic Church if women become bishops. Several hundred Anglican priests made that move when women were first ordained 16 years ago.
You gotta do what you gotta do. If you bow down to extremists they're always going to keep making demands. Better to lose them now than wait until you've given up half the church and they leave anyway.
David Holding, a traditionalist church member, said he does not object to female bishops, but "there must be a proper provision made for those who can't go along with it."
You can't start creating situations in any organization where people can circumvent the hierarchy just because they want to. What's to prevent racists from refusing to obey a black bishop? Creating special classes of bishop for women, which are essentially inferior to all other bishops, is worse than refusing to ordain women bishops at all. Who is going to respect a female bishop who has no authority over her churches?
How nice of them to jump in where they have no business going. I'm sure the Anglicans are devastated that the Vatican, a hyper corrupt irrelevant body which they wisely left hundreds of years ago, disapproves of their personal decision not to treat their female ministers as second class citizens.
The move by the Anglican Church's General Synod "is a rift to the apostolic tradition" of ordaining only men as bishops, the Vatican said in a statement, and is another obstacle to reconciliation between Anglicans and Roman Catholics.
Evidently they don't interpret the Bible in a way that needlessly excludes half the population (and many of the most active church members).
The catholic church has never really been interested in reconciliation with anyone. That would require both sides to make sacrifices and that's never been their intention. They want all other churches to come together, declare they were wrong, and bow before the Pope.
Some traditionalists have threatened to abandon the Anglican Church for the Roman Catholic Church if women become bishops. Several hundred Anglican priests made that move when women were first ordained 16 years ago.
You gotta do what you gotta do. If you bow down to extremists they're always going to keep making demands. Better to lose them now than wait until you've given up half the church and they leave anyway.
David Holding, a traditionalist church member, said he does not object to female bishops, but "there must be a proper provision made for those who can't go along with it."
You can't start creating situations in any organization where people can circumvent the hierarchy just because they want to. What's to prevent racists from refusing to obey a black bishop? Creating special classes of bishop for women, which are essentially inferior to all other bishops, is worse than refusing to ordain women bishops at all. Who is going to respect a female bishop who has no authority over her churches?
Your Band Sucks...
I knew there was something I hated about this guy. Just another stuck up moron who wears his Bush worship like a badge of honor, pretending that everyone else is too stupid to see how great the Republicans and their war are.
I knew there was something I hated about this guy. Just another stuck up moron who wears his Bush worship like a badge of honor, pretending that everyone else is too stupid to see how great the Republicans and their war are.
Joe Lieberman's BFF makes another inexcusable comment that the media will never mention.
Joe Lieberman's BFF makes another inexcusable comment that the media will never mention.
Next Time Make Up Your Own Story...,8599,1820685,00.html
Oops, not only is the story absurd, it's not even original...
Oops, not only is the story absurd, it's not even original...
Good Riddance to Bad Garbage...
I forgot to mention this when it happened. Honestly, I'm not sad. He was a horrible man. I hope he suffered.
I forgot to mention this when it happened. Honestly, I'm not sad. He was a horrible man. I hope he suffered.
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