Thursday, April 29, 2010


It's unfortunate that in this country, a country where abortion is supposed to be legal, so many states seem to think they can restrict that right with impunity. I wonder how many women sit in the Oklahoma Legislature, I'd bet not too many. Most of the idiots so adamant about this bill will never have to worry about having an abortion. They'll never have to worry about being raped and then having to sit through a lecture from a male gynecologist telling them about the fetus' legs and arms while their rapist is essentially allowed to abuse them again by proxy. This is nothing but state sponsored abuse of women designed to guilt them into making a decision that is against their own interest. It's disgusting.

The second part is equally bad. Not only is a woman forced to endure a anti-choice lecture from a doctor before exercising her rights, she also can be lied to by her own doctor if that doctor doesn't agree with her rights. This is unimaginable in any other context but somehow anti-choice zealots feel they can do this to women. I would like to think that this law will be easily struck down the second it reaches the Supreme Court, it is unconstitutional after all by any measure of precedent, but I know better than that. There are enough right-wingers on the Court, with enough disdain for the Constitution and precedent, that I think it far more likely it'll be upheld.

I guess the moral of this story is that any woman of child bearing age better choose her gynecologist well and make sure that you know exactly how he feels about your rights because otherwise you might find him making decisions for you that you can't live with.