Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama's Choice for Supreme Court...


I think Sotomayor is a great choice. Her judicial record is excellent, according to the White House she has more judicial experience than any Supreme Court Justice has had when they were nominated. The right-wingers will claim she's an activist judge or she was only nominated because she's Hispanic and female, and they'll simply overlook her long history on the bench, and that will be unfortunate. I hope she will win even with this absurd opposition. I guess they would have opposed anyone Obama put forward so it's good he went with someone good instead of capitulating and nominating a right-winger who they would oppose anyway just out of tradition. It's great that he is nominating a Hispanic (the first) and a woman (the third in history and one of only two on a 9 person court) but it's also good he nominated someone with actual experience who is qualified in her own right.