Monday, November 24, 2008


I guess he got sick of being Hannity's punching bag.

to develop new and challenging ways to contribute to the growth of the network.

That's cute. Colmes thinks they're going to give him his own show. He was just there to make Hannity look smart.

I’m proud that both Sean (Hannity) and I remained unharmed after sitting side by side, night after night for so many years.”

Oh please, there was no chance of him doing anything to Hannity. He had to ask Hannity's permission to speak.

Jonathan Singer at MyDD is floating Sam Seder as a potential replacement. TVNewser is also conducting a poll of possibilities.

They'll never allow Seder to be on the show. Seder is actually a liberal commentator, as opposed to a stand-up comedian who happens to be a liberal, and would eat Hannity alive.