So let me get this straight Junk Science; global warming is a total hoax, and even if it does exist humans totally aren't involved, but somehow Gore is irresponsible for living in a way you claim doesn't do any harm?
The problem as it's always been stated has been the source of the electricity, not the amount you use. Gore has gone to great personal expense to fit his residence with solar power. I would imagine most, if not all, of his power is provided by his solar panels. Therefore, his house isn't contributing to global warming any more than my solar calculator.
Also; suggesting that Gore somehow has a conflict of interest, and is only hyping the companies because of his personal investments, is laughable especially coming from the joker who wrote this article. Of course Gore is going to invest in companies with which he agrees on environmental issues since that is an important factor for him. The fact that he endorses them has nothing to do with his investments and everything to do with his values. Junk Science, as the website of Steven Milloy is known, is a clearinghouse of global warming denial and fake "scientific" information. The only Junk Science involved comes from Milloy himself. He actually does make money by hyping these lies. He is in the employ of several large corporations who would rather not be held responsible for their corporate crimes against the environment. I wouldn't hold my breath though for any mention in his articles of his huge conflict of interest.