Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sexism is a convenient excuse for failing miserably...


Clinton, the first woman to make a serious bid for a major party's presidential nomination, said she did not think that racism was a factor in her bruising battle with Sen. Barack Obama.

Perhaps she should tell her surrogates that racism isn't supposed to be a factor in the election because they obviously didn't get the memo. Her surrogate, and her husband, suggesting that Obama is nothing but an affirmative-action candidate. Her campaign putting stories out there about Obama's pastor and his supposed Islamic heritage. Her surrogates suggesting that he attended a madrassah. Her entire campaign strategy has been based on racist. I haven't seen a single statement however criticizing Hillary based on her sex. Not a single one. In fact she's been immune to some criticism that's been leveled at Obama because of her sex.

Her campaign aides told ABC News that she intends to keep campaigning through the final primary on June 3. Clinton also took a shot at Obama for acting as if he has already won and not even campaigning in Kentucky.

Maybe he's acting like he won because he's won. I think he's been very understanding given her refusal to bow out gracefully but at some point he has to get on with winning the election in November, he can't keep holding her hand and saying "No Hillary, you still have a shot" forever.

Clinton's comments in the Washington Post echo what many of her supporters have bitterly complained about as the long Democratic battle has neared an end -- that she is treated differently because she's a woman and if she eventually loses, it will be because of her gender.

If Clinton loses, which she will, it will be because of who she is and who her husband is. It has nothing to do with her gender. Her candidacy has been important because it has proved that most people are willing to look at a woman in the exact same way they look at a man. They looked at her in an objective and fair manner and didn't like what they saw. Accusing them of sexism is petty and stupid.

Clinton, they charge, has been criticized for things that a male candidate would never take heat for -- her appearance, her emotions, her spouse's sex life.

The petty criticisms seem to have been confined to the beginning of the race, I haven't heard anything about her appearance lately. As for her spouse, if a male candidate had as little control over their spouse as she has over hers (to the point where she's screwing everything that moves) you better believe there'd be a lot of comment on it. Nothing strikes at a man's supposed manhood like being a cuckold. If anything, she gets a lot more sympathy than a male candidate would in a similar situation.

And many of her female supporters worry that their chance to see a woman elected U.S. president ends with Clinton.

She's not the only viable female candidate around. That kind of egotism is what got her into this situation in the first place.

"If Hillary Clinton is not the nominee, we will not support the nominee," she said.

That's the stupidest thing someone could do. Do these women think McCain will care about women's issues? Obama has great ratings from women's rights organizations, McCain doesn't.

"Young people don't understand how far we've come and how hard we've worked to get here. They can't see what it took for us to ensure that Clinton would have a chance at the White House. We have been out there fighting these fights and we've made progress. But as soon as she started running, all this sexist garbage comes out," she said

And I suppose blacks have never had a problem getting elected to public office? Not to mention the constant racism coming from the Republicans, the media and the Clinton campaign from the point he emerged as a viable candidate.

In an ABC News-Washington Post poll, nearly a quarter of Clinton supporters said if she loses, they will vote for Republican nominee Sen. John McCain of Arizona over Obama.

There's a very selfish and self-righteous cultishness that permeates the Clinton campaign and it's sickening.

"Women will always have to work harder than men to prove their competence. A man would never be subjected to the same treatment," she said. "It will be hugely disappointing to many women if Clinton is unable to go the distance. But there are plenty of very strong women in public office and other venues who will pick up the torch. Without a doubt, a woman will be president."

I honestly think Clinton's people have forgotten that Obama is black. He's not treated like any other man, he gets just as much crap as she does. Nobody talks constantly about her pastor and I'm sure he's said some pretty crazy, anti-Democratic (anti-democratic too) things. I doubt her pastor is pro-choice, pro-gay and pro-birth control all of which are key Democratic issues.