First off there's one fact that needs to be stated: the two options for the frozen embryos are getting thrown in the trash or being used to further scientific research and save millions of lives. Those are the only two options. There simply aren't enough people in the world to "adopt" all of them and carry them to term. That doesn't even take into account that most people are perfectly able to conceive on their own and don't need to "adopt" anyone's unwanted embryo.
Let's sort it out. No serious person would deny that a human embryo is nascent human life.
Funny, I thought that was the entire crux of the debate. The whole reason we're having this debate (abortion and stem cells) is because of a difference of opinion on when life actually begins. One side has decades of scientific research and provable evidence, the other doesn't. I'll leave it up to you to figure out which side is which. Because he knows he doesn't have a leg to stand on he immediately tries to dismiss the opposition as not serious. Nice try.
If we're going to start claiming that an embryo is as good as a human life where does it end? Do we criminalize masturbation because those sperm may some day fertilize an egg? Do we have police officers watching over girls during ovulation making sure they're trying their hardest to get pregnant since the alternative is letting that egg go to waste? If someone murders a woman is he or she guilty of killing every potential child that woman may ever have based on the eggs still inside her? Same question when talking about abortion, if you abort a girl (and it's considered murder) are you guilty of murdering every child she would have otherwise had?
To create human life solely to experiment on it and destroy it for the purpose of enhancing the well being of other human lives is bound to raise moral and ethical concerns for some people.
Nobody's suggesting creating new embryos for use in stem cell therapy, there are plenty ready to be discarded like garbage at in-vitro clinics across the nation.
Had Bush failed to veto the stem-cell bill and allowed federal funding of this morally problematic research, the personal morality of the writer and others sharing his view would have been imposed on those who believe the status quo is morally appropriate and should not be overturned.
Funding research that scientific research agrees could save millions is no more a push of personal morality than funding research on new medical procedures (Christian Scientists don't believe in medicine) or psychological medications (Scientologists don't believe in Psychology).
Professor Peter Singer of Princeton University is the only individual I have seen who both supports the writer's view and has addressed the underlying moral issue. He says, simply, human life has no particular value.
One doesn't have to believe that life has no value to agree with stem cell research. There is an active debate on when life begins and if you don't believe life begins at single-cell mode this has nothing to do with the value, or lack thereof, of human life.
Embryonic stem cells are obtained from living human embryos and require the destruction of the embryo.
Which would otherwise end up where? In a trashcan? An incinerator? Certainly they won't end up becoming living, breathing human beings.
A human embryo is the early stage of human life.
That's far from an undisputed fact.
Treatments using embryonic stem cells have not produced any clinical successes. Rather, they tend to create tumors in animal studies. The public should ask why the media do not cover such results.
Is this the new right-wing Christian mantra? Stem cells cause cancer? I must say, that's a new one for me. They just keep coming up with weirder and weirder excuses. I guess this important scientific research must have been conducted by the same doctor who determined that abortion causes an increase in breast cancer. These guys should stop picking on cancer patients and pick another horrid disease to blame on things they don't agree with.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
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