Thursday, July 14, 2005

Who'd have thought, a non-political post...

I've heard both sides on this one but I seriously think Moorestown was a good choice. One of my co-workers suggested that it was odd that Moorestown is the best place to live and Camden, just five or so miles down Rt. 38, is the most dangerous city in the country. But if you lived in Moorestown (which I don't) you'd know that it might as well be on a different planet from Camden.

It's about time New Jersey was known for something good. Moorestown is a great community. It has a church for pretty much any political affiliation you could ever need (it even has a Quaker meeting house, two Friends schools and a Friend's retirement home all just on Main Street). It has a huge mall on the outskirts of town but it also has a lot of small businesses that give the town character.

Main Street is another feature that makes Moorestown so great. It's such a nice little community street. I was walking up it today and it's really what you'd hope to find in any small town in America. We went to get my Mom a pair of shoes at Carl's (a local institution for decades). The building they were in for years burned down recently and PNC Bank was nice enough to lend them some space in its branch a few doors down so they can continue operating until their new building is built on the same location as the old one. They'll probably be in that new building for decades to come.