Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm sure Gore is heartbroken that this hack disapproves of his anti-global warming advocacy. How do you go from being the founder of the Weather Channel to being a weatherman in a second rate market? Perhaps he did it by being completely wrong about everything and seemingly knowing nothing about the climate despite supposedly being a scientist whose job involves the climate.

I really think the station he works for should consider what impact his writings have on their reputation and think about firing him. He has no right to post his rantings on the station's website.

I guess this is why Gore is a Nobel Peace Prize winning hero and Coleman is a meteorologist in San Diego.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

About Time...

It's about time. This rule shouldn't have been instituted in the first place. In a country that grants women control over their bodies, it's the ultimate injustice to make sure women in other countries don't enjoy similar rights. Figures it was instituted by Reagan.

I guess it's good not to antagonize his erstwhile allies in Congress by signing it on the anniversary of Roe but I would have loved it if he could have signed it then just to rub it in the faces of the hateful idiots marching on Washington that day to support returning to deadly back alley abortions. That would have been a sight to behold.

"Not even waiting a week, the new administration has acted to funnel U.S. tax dollars to abortion providers overseas," Rep. Tom Price, R-Georgia, said in a written statement.

What? Was he supposed to wait a week, no doubt leading to deaths in the meantime, just to protect your delicate sensibilities? If he had done it next week they'd have criticized him anyway. They can't stand that the good guys are calling the shots now. Get over it, you lost, don't be a sore loser.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Appropriate name...

Hmm, John Galt Corp? How appropriate.


So much for the loser bowing out gracefully. I thought Norm Coleman was all about getting on with things. I guess that was only relevant when he was "winning".

Braindead policies...

Not surprising. Israel could get public support on its side so easily but instead they choose to pull shit like this. And they wonder why people have such strong opinions against them.