Saturday, November 03, 2007

Maybe They Should Have Thought Before They Elected Him...

If only the French people had some hint that Sarkozy would be a horrible President...oh wait...

Maybe they should have voted for a competent candidate, like Royal, instead of voting for Bush Jr.

I think someone should investigate whether Sarkozy hid his marital difficulties in order to win the election.

It's pretty bad when the guy's wife can't even stand him.,8599,1677120,00.html

Wow, yet another reason to hate the Rockies. Now I'm even more happy to see them get their asses kicked by the Red Sox. So much for fate, or destiny, or whatever arrogant bull crap they were saying before the World Series.

"I don't want to offend anyone," Rockies chairman and CEO Charlie Monfort said at the time,

No, heaven forbid they offend someone. Just ignore everything that comes after this and be assured that he doesn't mean to offend anyone.

"but I think character-wise we're stronger than anyone in baseball. Christians, and what they've endured, are some of the strongest people in baseball.

Never have I seen a group so privileged whine so much in my life. You'd think they were being persecuted at every turn, denied jobs and public services, constantly worrying about being found out and murdered instead of being the people singling out others for that kind of treatment.

I believe God sends signs; we're seeing those."

I think if God were to suddenly take an interest in baseball he'd pick a better team than the Rockies. Give the guy some credit.

"The Lord gives you everything you have," says center fielder Willy Taveras, who counts himself among the faithful, "and makes it possible to play this beautiful game."

So I guess you spent all those nights in school wolfing down cheetos and not working hard at all, huh Willy? Success in baseball, or in anything, requires significant personal sacrifice and hard work, don't sell yourself short.

the Rockies stand out for openly touting Christian values — as they define it, strong character and a moral compass

Because of course in asshole land, nobody ever did anything moral or right before Christians came along. Those are human values, they weren't invented by the Church, if they were you could be sure they'd find a way to make you pay for them.

God is "using [The Rockies] in a powerful way."

Evidently whatever he was using them for must have ended because damn did they get bitch slapped by the Sox.

In 2005 and 2006, the Rockies had a "Christian Family Day" at Coors Field.

If that doesn't say "non-Christians we don't want your money", I don't know what does...maybe working in a building called Coors Field?

This season the Rockies renamed the promotion "Faith Day," though there weren't many rabbis or imams at the park.

Not to mention the fact that there are plenty of people in Denver who don't feel the need to spend their entire life believing in something that may or may not even exist at all. Their "Faith Day" isn't exactly fair to the "bright" community.

"To do that to appease other religions is hypocritical to say the least," says McHendry, who helped organize the event. "It was truly a Christian day."

Yes, it was hypocritical, though I'm sure the good Reverend is just suggesting they should be upfront and say right away that they hate all non-Christians.

"Nobody seems to complain when Tiger Woods promotes economic sponsorship by wearing the Nike swoosh on this shirt," says Price.

Yes, and even after the United Zealots of Nike waged their Grand Inquisition against the Holy Reebok Empire. They were really good sports about that whole thing. Business is not religion and vice versa. I don't recall wars being waged based on product loyalty. Also, is he really suggesting that the Christian religion actively sponsors the Colorado Rockies?

"What's the difference with promoting religious affiliation? Isn't that more wholesome?"

Not when you consider how many people have died because of this "wholesome" affiliation.

Rupert Murdoch wants to take over the world...

Clear evidence of why media consolidation is a bad idea.

If They Wanted Human Rights They Shouldn't Have Been Born in Pakistan...

And this is our ally. I guess we really don't care as much about human rights as we pretend. It seems when we pick an ally we just choose whoever is willing to do whatever we want regardless of the peoples' opinions. Now obviously our government is protesting this but we're not going to go as far as withdrawing support over it, I can guarantee you that.