Friday, April 21, 2006

Sore losers...

This is the model for conservative behavior now. I'm seriously worried that he'll try to take the government by force.

Everyone pay close attention, if the Republican candidate loses in '08 this is what will happen. The Republicans have gotten quite used to winning and they're not going to give it up without a fight. Sadly they own the military so they might just succeed in destroying the democracy we've worked so hard to build over the past centuries.

Stupid liberal, catholicism is for conservatives...

Despite the Vatican's opposition to condoms, a senior cardinal said in comments published Friday that condoms were the "lesser evil" when considering the scourge of AIDS.

How nice of him. It's sad when even the "liberal" alternative is this wishy washy about such an important issue.

In the wide-ranging interview, Martini also suggested that even single women could be implanted with frozen embryos if the alternative is letting the embryos die or be discarded.

Wow, even those useless single women? What a liberal!

He voiced support for in vitro technology using zygotes — fertilized eggs in which the chromosomes of the egg and sperm haven't yet combined — rather than more fully developed embryos.

He said that seemed allowable because in the zygote stage — which occurs 18-24 hours after fertilization — "there are still no signs of singularly definable human life."

Better consult the Vatican talking points, looks like someone's getting dangerously close to a personal visit from the Pope.

However, he acknowledged that in abortion, there were cases when the life of the mother was at risk where abortion might be considered the "lesser evil."

This is the huge problem with "liberal" catholics, especially clergy. They know what is right but they have to bend over backwards to keep the Vatican happy. He should just realize that no matter what he does the church will hate him. They have no use for liberals in the modern church.

"In such cases, it seems that moral theology has always supported the principle of the legitimate defense and the lesser evil, even if it concerns a reality that shows the dramatic fragility of the human condition," he said.

Looks like someone should visit El Salvador so he can see first hand what the catholic church's opinion on abortion is.

In El Salvador a woman has to be rendered infertile (her falopian tube has to burst), or the embryo has to die, before they'll terminate an ectopic pregnancy (for those who don't know, an ectopic pregnancy is where the embryo implants in the falopian tube and begins to grow. The falopian tube is as thick as a pencil so I assume you can all imagine what the chances of that embryo surviving to the point where it can be born are.)
The bishop down there lobbied heavily for the new law. He's the bishop who replaced Romero, the "liberal" bishop who was murdered by the same people who are no doubt allied with the church on this law.

In the top ten worst movie ideas EVER...

This is going to bomb so bad Bush'll probably start a war with the production company...

This'll make Star Trek - Nemesis look like Mission Impossible II...

I promise you, this'll be a failure on par with Ben Afleck playing Jack Ryan in that last Tom Clancy movie. You try bringing in new actors to play Kirk and Spock and it's not going to work. And if you try to make Leonard Nemoy and William Shatner play younger versions of themselves it'll just be laughable.