Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Texas Justice...

Seriously? Arresting people for being drunk in bars? WTF?

What's next? Arresting people for being naked in the shower? Gotta protect the children after all.

And I thought Republicans were all about freedom and the government not intruding unnecessarily into people's lives. I guess that's only true if you're running a religious cult/militia...or bombing abortion clinics.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Dunleavy set off a firestorm this week when he told the newspaper: "If an Israeli group wants to march in New York, do you allow Neo-Nazis into their parade? If African Americans are marching in Harlem, do they have to let the Ku Klux Klan into their parade?"

Because you know it's totally the same thing. When was the last time the gay Irish-American community attempted to exterminate the Irish from the face of the earth?

To suggest there's any similarity is to discount the suffering of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis (and now at the hands of neo-Nazis) and the suffering of African Americans at the hands of the Klan. Both are genocidal organizations, Irish American homosexuals are not a genocidal organization.

Referring to the Irish Lesbian and Gay Organization, Dunleavy said, "People have rights. If we let the ILGO in, is it the Irish Prostitute Association next?"

Prostitution is illegal and is an occupation, homosexuality is neither of those things. But maybe if they were engaged in illegal activity that would work in their favor, I'm sure they let Sinn Fein march under their own banner.

It's unfortunate that conservative Irish Catholics, and the Church itself, hold such sway in this. It saddens me that my heritage is being used to discriminate.

Too close for comfort...

This is really too close for comfort. 4 votes away from privatizing Social Security. And the thing that amazes me most is that every Democrat voted against it. Even Lieberman, Bush's man in the Senate, voted against it. Even the other DLC DINOs voted against it. Thankfully there are still 7 Republicans who care about seniors (or see the disadvantage this would put them at come election time). Evidently Santorum didn't get the memo though since he faces a tough race against a very conservative Democrat (too conservative, he's the Casey in Planned Parenthood v. Casey) this year.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Only Bush can damage our relations with the world...

Yeah, because only Bush can damage our relations with the Middle East and the rest of the world.

Bush should just give up, the kool-aid drinkers aren't even buying it this time.


He got better than he deserved. He was allowed to live the majority of his life in comfort while perpetrating horrible crimes against humanity. When it seemed justice would finally be served he dies.